Tuesday, August 25, 2020
Friedrich Nietzsche - The Abyss essays
Friedrich Nietzsche - The Abyss articles He who battles with beasts should look to it that he himself doesn't turn into a beast. What's more, when you look long into a chasm the pit additionally looks into you. In this announcement, Nietzsche is communicating the natural event of being consumed by fears, dimness, and even our own contemplations. Throughout everyday life, individuals frequently end up went up against with circumstances in which they should confront certain wrongs throughout their life. This statement prompts that on the off chance that you decide to oppose these shades of malice, you should take care that you don't become malicious yourself. The second piece of the statement clarifies how this is conceivable. The chasm looking back at you implies that when you start to know something that is in characters not quite the same as yourself; you partake in it with you and permit it to adjust you. Whoever or whatever this foe might be to you, advantageously permits you to disregard your own internal limit with reg ards to fiendish. The individuals who can't see the malevolence in themselves, venture it outwards. On the off chance that you wish for edification, be set up to know everything shrewd too. On the off chance that you invest the entirety of your energy thinking about what the things in life that can't transform, you will inevitably ask yourself, What's going on with you? And you will arrive at the resolution that there is no answer. A typical topic in theory is the loss of independence in the craving to pick up influence and riches. I accept this is the thing that Nietzsche is alluding to while making the analogy of the pit. Making an interpretation of Nietzsche quote into a main problems raised by todays culture is a cutting edge understanding of the chasm as an adaptation to society. This comprehension of the statement relates with Nietzsches foundation and convictions as an existential skeptic. The brain is everything. What you think you become. - Buddha This statement can be meant numerous parts of our lives, yet for this situation I trust it identifies with Nietzsches quote in that whatever we include ourselves completely with, there is no getting away from the outcomes... <!
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Pricing paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Valuing paper - Essay Example The valuing for these vehicles are determinant with the solace and extravagance they give (Genat 12). Determinants of the value The fundamental determinants of evaluating and request are genuinely comparable between the general market and the half breed showcase, yet contrast essentially between vehicle models or brands. Estimating of extravagance and non-extravagance car varies because of this thought. Specifically, it is uncovered that a generally solid prejudice for fuel cleverness exists in the business sectors for half breeds vehicles, some vehicle brands, and autos (Thatchenkery 32). This partiality for fuel genius, in any case, is naturally eclipsed by more grounded affection for drive, solace, security and weight, qualities that are critically related to a vehicle’s fuel advertise. The 2014 Chevrolet Malibu situated at fifteen out of twenty two moderate fair size vehicles. This positioning is related with examination of accessible surveys and test drives of the vehicle , just as steadfastness and insurance information. Car specialists affirm that the 2014 Chevrolet Malibu has a quiet and charmingly structured inside that is worked with regularly delicate touch materials. Commentators affirm that the Malibu has loose and roomy front seats. These extravagance characteristics are valuing determinants for such model or items. Chevy improved back traveler room, yet spoilers guarantee that the Malibu’s back seat requires more legroom. Other solid effects on request and valuing involve brand or model-based status, insurance appraisals, and brand makers, despite the fact that the serious advantage picked up by singular nationality over another contrasts between models (Malibu 1-2). The outside weights on request fused in the crossover condition help the model’s spellbinding power yet don't eclipse the impact of vehicle conditions. Notwithstanding, issues, for example, accommodation based motivators, environmentalism, middle returns, normal t ravel time, and age all effectsly affect mixture request and evaluating, while expense and cost-based impetuses and other segment issues don't appear to stimulate acquisition of half breeds. Gas cost just pay as significant if not plotting for environmentalism, which is likely an aftereffect of the cross-sectional condition of the information. Late changes in the gracefully and request 2014 Chevrolet Malibu costs are not influenced such a great amount by flexibly and request since they are altered to focused purchasers. Discounts and motivations are showcasing strategies that are utilized to present new models in the market. Discounts are accessible on 2014 Chevrolet Malibu as limited time strategies. On the off chance that one is in the market for a novel vehicle, they think about the most recent vehicle limits or motivators being offered at businesses rate (Malibu 1-2). This keeps vehicle customers proficient with much of the time refreshed data on financing offers, money refunds, and renting openings that are right now available on each model and model. Buyers peruse vehicle refunds and impetuses from maker, or vehicle. They look at refunds and motivating forces on various models. This is a pattern customers use to guarantee they buy the items, best case scenario bargain. Discounts on items are advertising and advancement strategies that guide estimating of item to fulfill wanted needs. Outer Influences External impacts are evaluating contemplations that organizations must place into thought to guarantee they accomplish piece of the overall industry. Insights about government
Sunday, August 9, 2020
Peek Over Our Shoulders What Rioters Are Reading March 15, 2018
Peek Over Our Shoulders What Rioters Are Reading March 15, 2018 In this regular feature, we give you a glimpse of what we are reading this very moment. Here is what the Rioters are reading today (as in literally today). This is what’s on their bedside table (or the floor, work bag, desk, whatevskis). Your TBR list is about to get some new additions. We’ve shown you ours, now show us yours; let us know what you’re reading (right this very moment) in the comment section below! Elisa Shoenberger White Tears by Hari Kunzru: I picked this up because it was one of the more interesting ToB reads. And it pulled me in quickly. It is about the friendship of narrator Seth and his extremely wealthy yet troubled friend Carter who start a recording studio. If you are audiophile and/or blues buff, this haunting story is for you. It’s partly a ghost story, discussion of the abuse of power and racism, and so much more. (paperback) Claire Handscombe The Perfect Girlfriend by Karen Hamilton: Everyone’s talking about this one on my Twitter feedâ€"it’s about a woman who won’t accept that her pilot boyfriend has broken up with her and takes a job as a flight attendant to keep an eye on him (and who knows what else she’ll do to him). Feels both appropriate and really unwise to take it with me on a flight to California, but I’ve got Lucy Vine’s probably hilarious What Fresh Hell with me to switch to if it all gets too much! (UK ARC) Anthony Karcz A Wrinkle in Time by Madeleine LEngle: because its never too late to read a book that you are positive you must have read at some point, but only have the vaguest recollections of from your childhood. Jamie Canaves What You Want To See (Roxane Weary #2) by Kristen Lepionka: I needed a good PI mystery to get lost into and I was a big fan of the first in the series, The Last Place You Look, so I bumped this up on my reading list. Cut to me up way past bedtime inhaling the first 200 pages because Lepionka has created a fantastic modern PI with an undercurrent feel of the classic PI novels. I really like Roxane Weary and equally root for her to succeed but also completely understand her struggles. I look forward to finishing the mystery but also am bummed it’s going to come to an end. (egalley) Deepali Agarwal Chinatown Days by Rita Chowdhury: I’m always behind on my goal to read more translations, and this one sounded well-researched and riveting, with a blurb by Amitav Ghosh to boot. (Aside: have you read Amitav Ghosh? Why haven’t you read Amitav Ghosh!?) The book is a translation of the Assamese novel Makam, a story of the community of Chinese Indians during the Indo-China war and its repercussions for those who were deported. (hardcover) Dana Staves Meaty by Samantha Irby: There was a lot of buzz about Samantha Irby’s newest book, We Are Never Meeting in Real Life, and her debut essay collection, Meaty, is being re-released this year. Samantha Irby’s writing is funny and real and defiant, and I love her voice. And funny essays about food are one of my great weaknesses. 100% here for this book. Rebecca Hussey Heart Berries by Terese Marie Mailhot: This memoir in essays is powerful. It’s a difficult readâ€"Mailhot has had many struggles in her life and she writes about them openly and honestlyâ€"but it’s beautiful, passionate, and moving. (egalley) Erin McCoy A Scandalous Deal by Joanna Shupe (April 24, Avon): I’m on a historical romance kick this month and since I so very rarely feel like reading historicals lately I’m going to ride out my current mood as long as possible. Thus, even though this book doesn’t come out until the end of April I’m reading it now. In this second installment of Shupe’s The Four Hundred series, Lady Eva Hyde and Phillip Mansfield meet on a ship bound for NYC. A memorable meet-cute and shenanigans caused in part by champagne have me bingeing on this secret identity love story. (egalley) Lacey deShazo The Favorite Sister by Jessica Knoll (May 15): I just started this book, so I don’t have much to say about the plot so far. I chose it, however, because I really liked Knoll’s debut, Luckiest Girl Alive. I’m in the mood for a fast-paced thriller, and from what I’ve heard this book is “un-put-down-able.†We’ll see! (egalley) S.W. Sondheimer Scatter, Adapt, and Remember: How Humans Will Survive a Mass Extinction by Annalee Newitz: Humanity has made a lot of mistakes, especially as regards care of our home. That said, there were five mass extinctions, during which at least 75% of species died out, before we ever got here, so odds are we’ve only accelerated the path to the sixth. In a departure from prevailing theory and the majority of science writers, however, Newitz envisions a post-disaster cosmos which still contains some humans (some). Carefully researched and extremely accessible, I’m enjoying the hell out of it and learning a ton while I do. (ebook) Sarah Nicolas Cobalt Squadron by Elizabeth Wein: This is a (1) Star Wars book (2) written by the author of one of my all-time favorites, Code Name Verity, (3) narrated by Kelly Marie Tran! I’m still not sure I’m not dreaming. Don’t tell me if I am. (audiobook) Elizabeth Allen Under the Banner of Heaven: A Story of Violent Faith by Jon Krakauer: I have never read anything by Krakauer but am a notorious sucker for all things cult. I’m so glad I finally picked this up. While the murders of Brenda Lafferty and her 18-month-old daughter, Erica, are the focus of the book, the amount of history of the Mormon faith contained is staggering. We learn about Joseph Smith, Brigham Young and the beginning of the religion, how the fundamentalists broke off from the mainstream Mormons, and the ways in which this split has impacted the religion’s present and future. You will come away knowing so much more about The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints and their generations-long conflicts with their more radical brethren. (paperback) Natalya Muncuff The Thick of Things (In Medias Res Book 1) by J.L. Campbell: The Thick of Things is a mature romance set in Jamaica, and both main characters are from the Caribbean, the heroine being Jamaican and the hero hailing from Antigua. As an island girl myself, Im always willing to pick up a book set in the Caribbean so that I can see how much culture is infused into the story. (eARC) E.H. Kern A Little Life by Hanya Yanagihara: I am continuing my phase of rereading. I am excited to see how I will respond to A Little Life a second time around, since I spent the first time reading it crying helplessly. (hardcover) Rachel Brittain The Woman’s Hour by Elaine Weiss: This book is teaching me just how shamefully little I knew about the women’s suffrage movement and the ratification of the nineteenth amendmentâ€"and that probably makes it sound like a really dry read, but I’m only a few chapters in and already completely hooked. (egalley) Danielle Bourgon Fahrenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury: After seeing the trailer of the new adaptation starring Michael B. Jordan, I realized I hadn’t yet read this classic and ordered it from my local library. So far the language is really beautiful and I can see why so many others like it. (library paperback) Aimee Miles Stone Butch Blues by Leslie Feinberg: This book was loaned to me by a friend because the single copy at my library disappeared 8 months after I joined the hold list. A classic of LGBT literature, the story of Jess provides a glimpse of life in the LGBT community in the 60s and 70s, specifically that of lesbian women. It’s very readable, despite some hard scenes, and I have a small crush on Jess, which I think is how readers are supposed to feel. Jessâ€"or rather Feinbergâ€"is so good at intersectionality, highlighting the different ways that oppressions are hierarchical, yet all the same. I can’t wait to get back to finish it! (paperback) Liberty Hardy Neverworld Wake by Marissa Pessl (Delacorte Press, June 5): I am so excited for this, I can barely sit still to read it. I am a huge fan of Special Topics in Calamity Physics and Night Film, Pessl’s “adult†books. (I have NIGHT FILM 5 EVA! tattooed on my butt.) (Okay, maybe I’m lying.) I think that the mystery/thriller YA market is waaaaaay too small, so a YA psychological suspense novel by Marissa Pessl? ALL THE HELL YEAHS. My body is ready. (egalley) Margaret Kingsbury Children of Blood and Bone by Tomi Adeyemi: So many Rioters have been raving about this book I had to check it out. And it’s well deserved praise. I’m only a few chapters in and can tell I’m going to have trouble putting it down. The pace is intense. This is the third book I’ve read in a row inspired by West African folklore, a great streak to keep up! (egalley) Jessica Yang American Panda by Gloria Chao: Picked up American Panda to get some of that Taiwanese American representation goodness. Super excited! (hardcover) Mel Burke Tithe by Holly Black: A friend gave me her paperback because she was purging her bookshelves. I’m low-key obsessed with Black’s Modern Faerie Tale series and I figured a reread might help break me out of my book slump. The 13-year-old in me loves the angst and drama in Tithe, and grown-up me loves how Black plays with traditional fae lore. (paperback) Katie McLain The Little Stranger by Sarah Waters: Some narrator/audiobook pairings are good, some are meh, and some are magical. The Little Stranger on audio is magical. Simon Vance’s narration is exquisite and theatrical without being over the top, and I have fallen head-over-heels in love with this historical maybe-ghost story that owes a lot to Henry James’s The Turn of the Screw. The story takes a little while to pick up, but once it does, it’s spectacularly unsettling and creepy. (digital audiobook) Kate Scott Mating in Captivity by Esther Perel: I don’t often read books about sex and relationships because of how horribly sexist most of them are, but every once in a while I stumble upon a gem. In this reflection on humanity’s capacity for sexually satisfying long-term monogamous relationships, Perel offers psychological and sociological insights that refreshingly contrast with the lazy stereotypes promoted by popular relationship gurus. I’m a little over halfway through and so far I’m finding it to be a truly enlightening read. (audiobook) Christy Childers Convenience Store Woman by Sayaka Murata: I’m on kind of an “in translation†kick at the moment, so I was pretty happy when this Japanese novel showed up from the publisher. (galley) Priya Sridhar Dear Friend, from My Life I Write to You in Your Life by Yiyun Li: Yiyun Li talks about mental health in her memoirs, as well how she handles her identity as a Chinese expatriate. She talks about how several people she knew died by suicide, and her own experiences in seeking out treatment. This is more than a book about mental health, however; it’s about writing. (Kindle ebook) Ashley Holstrom None of the Above by I.W. Gregorio: Because my brain said “light-hearted young adult fiction†and my heart said “how about this one about a teen born intersex and diagnosed after a very painful attempt at sex with her boyfriend? And then the whole school finds out and everyone bullies her for being born different?†It’s the opposite of light-hearted, but had me absorbed after a few minutes. (audiobook) Christina M. Rau catalog of unabashed gratitude by Ross Gay: I haven’t read a lot of poetry lately, and I’ve been wanting a feel-good pick-me-up, so this poetry collection is exactly what my life needs right nowâ€"and I’m reading it twice because its feel-goodness feels so good. (paperback) Katisha Smith A Wrinkle in Time by Madeleine L’Engle: I have never read the book, but I wanted to see the movie because the previews for the movie were BEAUTIFUL, and I want to review the adaptation for my blog. This seems to be one of those books that everyone has read and LOVED, so I’m looking forward to joining the club. (Kindle) Tasha Brandstatter Party Lines by Emma Barry: Goodreads recommended this romance to me after I finished reading Selena Laurence’s SCOTUS. Sometimes automagically generated book recs work out. (ebook) Carina Pereira On Chesil Beach by Ian McEwan: I was looking for a short read and I saw this book being recommended, so I decided to give it a go, since I have never read any book by Ian McEwan before. It’s not a fast-paced read, but I’m looking forward to see where it’s going. (Kindle) Emma Allmann The Badass Librarians of Timbuktu by Joshua Hammer: I bought this quite a while ago mostly because the title is a pretty fantastic draw. I’ve been trying to branch out in what I read and nonfiction has been so neglected, so I finally turned to this book to get me into the groove. (paperback) Sam Burt Train Dreams by Denis Johnson: I devoured this Pulitzer-shortlisted novella in one sitting. Robert Grainer is a day labourer in the American West at the turn of the twentieth century. His life is a string of hardships interspersed with brief, so all the more cherished, joys. Johnson’s style is admirably restrained for the most part, but achieves transcendence in placesâ€"much like his protagonist’s story. Huge gratitude to the bookshop owner who recommended it to me. (paperback) Laura Sackton The Black Unicorn by Audre Lorde: This year I’m trying to constantly have a book of poetry going, and I’m also trying to read more of the books I own. This is a book of poetry I own but have never read all the way through, so it’s a win-win. (paperback) Patricia Elzie-Tuttle Dread Nation by Justina Ireland (April 3rd): I got this as an Advanced Review Copy and wow, I am having a hard time putting it down. It’s clever and funny and gives me all kinds of anxiety because zombies. I remember the cover reveal for this book and I was immediately sold. The dead rise after the battle of Gettysburg and now the “freed†slaves are the zombie-hunters? It does not disappoint. (ebook) Lisa Ruiz The Wedding Date by Jasmine Guillory: I had heard fabulous writers like Roxane Gay and Nicole Cliffe buzz about this book leading up to its release, so I snapped it up the second my Audible credit became available. I have been so delighted by this fun, sexy romance. The characters have textured lives beyond their love story, so even though it’s charming and sweet, it rings very true. I’ve spent a few long afternoons smiling, sighing, and blushing as this played during my spring cleaning, a situation I highly recommend. (audiobook) Emily Polson Bossypants by Tina Fey This is a long overdue read for me, so the “celebrity memoir†task for the 2018 Reader Harder Challenge was the perfect reason to finally get around to it. I’m listening to the audiobook, and it’s kept me laughing on my commuteâ€"I’ll be sad when it ends! (library audiobook) Tiffani Willis The Child in Time by Ian McEwan: PBS, especially the Masterpiece series, is responsible for bringing many books to my attention. Such is the case here. I saw a commercial for a new movie/show called The Child in Time. A day later I was walking through the bookstore and saw this book, so of course I had to get it. Stephen and his three-year-old daughter Kate go to the market to pick up a few items whileKate’s mother Julie gets a little sleep. Stephen turns to talk to the cashier and then turns back to his daughter and she isn’t there. Kate is gone, just like that. In an instant, Stephen and Julie’s lives are forever changed. (paperback) James Wallace Harris Enlightenment Now: The Case for Reason, Science, Humanism, and Progress by Steven Pinker: Enlightenment Now makes an overwhelming case that we shouldn’t be pessimistic about the future. Pinker claims The Enlightenment is still a work in progress, and that science and liberal ideals are succeeding even while under tremendous attacks. Enlightenment Now is comforting, infuriating, depressing, and uplifting. Pinker wants us to know that the human race is doing amazingly well if you look at our progress statistically. And yes, his data does give me hope for the future. Pinker’s book is also scary. Much of his evidence supports my liberal views, but some of his data supports conservative views and that make me uncomfortable. It’s very hard to reconcile the optimism of this book with the pessimism of the nightly news. Dana Lee Aristotle and Dante Discover the Secrets of the Universe by Benjamin Alire Sáenz: I’m finally getting around to listening to this audiobook, which has been in my Audible library forever. Ari and Dante are both struggling with their identities and are helping each other answer big life questions with their disparate yet complementary personalities. It’s narrated by Lin-Manuel Miranda and he’s literally the perfect voice to bring these two misfit teenagers to life. (audiobook) Jaime Herndon Lost in the Beehive by Michele Young Stone: This book is blowing me away. It starts in the 60s, when Gloria is sent to an Institute to help with “inappropriate feelings†she has for a friend, and follows her through adulthood. The character development is exquisite and the storytelling is drawing me in so much that I never want to put it down. The shifting cultural and geographical attitudes make an interesting backdrop to this love story of sorts. (ARC). Steph Auteri The Chronology of Water by Lidia Yuknavitch: Usually when I fall in love with a book, I don’t want to put it down. I inhale the thing in one big snort, and then…I mourn the fact that it is over. By contrast, I’ve been trying to read Yuknavitch’s lyrical memoir as sloooooowly as possible, because I’ve never read anything quite like it before. And I know that once I finish it, that’s it. I’m screwed. Real talk: Yuknavitch makes me realize what memoir can be. And for a writer, that’s daunting as hell. Corin Balkovek I’ll Be Gone in the Dark by Michelle McNamara: Like most true crime fans/murderinos, this book’s release date has been on my calendar for awhile and I was stoked to finally dive into it. McNamara passed away before she was able to complete her book on the Golden State Killer, but her editors have done a good job at stitching together the pieces in a way that is both satisfying and still maintains her voice. However, listening to it home alone with headphones on at night definitely freaked me out a few times and compelled me to make sure all my doors and windows were locked. (audiobook)
Saturday, May 23, 2020
Curium Facts (Cm or Atomic Number 96)
Curium is a radioactive element with atomic number 96 and element symbol Cm. It is a dense, silver metal in the actinide series that glows purple in the dark. It is named for Marie and Pierre Curie – pioneers in radioactivity research. Curium Basic Facts Atomic Number: 96 Symbol: Cm Atomic Weight: 247.0703 Discovery: G.T. Seaborg, R.A. James, A. Ghiorso, 1944 (United States). Because of World War II, the discovery remained a secret until November 1947. Electron Configuration: [Rn] 5f7 6d1 7s2 Biological Role: Like the other actinides, curium presents a radiological hazard. Curium accumulates in the bones, liver, and lungs. It is primarily an alpha particle emitter and can cause cancer. Curium Physical Data Atomic Weight: 247.0703 Element Classification: Radioactive Rare Earth Element (Actinide Series) Name Origin: Named in honor of Pierre and Marie Curie. Density (g/cc): 13.51 Melting Point (K): 1340 Appearance: silvery, malleable, synthetic radioactive metal Atomic Radius (pm): 299 Atomic Volume (cc/mol): 18.28 Pauling Negativity Number: 1.3 First Ionizing Energy (kJ/mol): (580) Oxidation States: 4, 3 Sources Emsley, John (2011). Natures building blocks: An A-Z Guide to the Elements. Oxford University Press. ISBN 978-0-19-960563-7.Greenwood, Norman N.; Earnshaw, Alan (1997). Chemistry of the Elements (2nd ed.). Butterworth-Heinemann. ISBN 978-0-08-037941-8.Hammond, C. R. (2004). The Elements, in Handbook of Chemistry and Physics (81st ed.). CRC press. ISBN 978-0-8493-0485-9.Seaborg, Glenn T.; James, R. A.; Ghiorso, A. (1949). The New Element Curium (Atomic Number 96). NNES PPR (National Nuclear Energy Series, Plutonium Project Record). The Transuranium Elements: Research Papers, Paper No. 22.2. 14 B. Weast, Robert (1984). CRC, Handbook of Chemistry and Physics. Boca Raton, Florida: Chemical Rubber Company Publishing. pp. E110. ISBN 0-8493-0464-4.
Tuesday, May 12, 2020
Can We Clone a Woolly Mammoth
You can forgive the average person for thinking that cloning Woolly Mammoths is a slam-dunk research project that will be realized within the next several years. True, these prehistoric elephants vanished off the face of the earth over 10,000 years ago, shortly after the last Ice Age, but their carcasses are often found encased in permafrost. Any animal that has spent the last 100 centuries in deep freeze is bound to yield boatloads of intact DNA, and isnt that all we need to clone a living, breathing Mammuthus primigenius? Well, no. What most people refer to as cloning is a scientific technique by which an intact cell, containing intact DNA, is turned into a plain vanilla stem cell. (Getting from here to there entails a complicated, equipment-heavy process known as de-differentiation.) This stem cell is then allowed to divide a few times in a test tube, and when the moment is ripe, its implanted into the uterus of a suitable host, the result being a viable fetus and (a few months after that) a live birth. As far as cloning a Woolly Mammoth is concerned, though, there are gaps in this procedure wide enough to drive a Pleistocene truck through. Most importantly: We Have Yet to Recover an Intact Woolly Mammoth Genome Think about it: if your beef patties become inedible after theyve been in your freezer for two or three years, what do you think happens to the cells of a Woolly Mammoth? DNA is a very fragile molecule, which begins degrading immediately after death. The most we can hope for (and even that may be a stretch) is to recover individual Woolly Mammoth genes, which can then be combined with the genetic material of modern elephants to produce a hybrid Mammoth. (You may have heard about those Russian scientists who claim to have collected intact Woolly Mammoth blood; virtually no one believes this is actually the case.) Update: a reputable team of researchers claim to have decoded the near-complete genomes of two 40,000-year-old Woolly Mammoths. We Have Yet to Develop Reliable Host Technology You cant just genetically engineer a Woolly Mammoth zygote (or even a hybrid zygote containing a combination of Woolly Mammoth and African elephant genes) and implant it into the womb of a living female pachyderm. Invariably, the zygote will be recognized as a foreign object by the hosts immune system, and a miscarriage will occur sooner rather than later. This isnt an insurmountable problem, however, and one that can presumably be solved by suitable new medications or implantation techniques (or even by raising genetically modified female elephants). Once a Woolly Mammoth Is Cloned, We Need to Give it Somewhere to Live This is the part of the lets clone a Woolly Mammoth! project to which few people have devoted any thought. Woolly Mammoths were herd animals, so its hard to imagine a single genetically engineered Mammoth thriving in captivity, no matter how much help its given by human keepers. And lets say we did clone a sizable, free-range herd of Mammoths; whats to prevent this herd from reproducing, spreading into new territories, and wreaking ecological havoc on existing species (like the African elephant) that also deserve our protection? This is where the problems and challenges of cloning Woolly Mammoths meld into the problems and challenges of de-extinction, a program by which (its advocates claim) we can resurrect extinct species like the Dodo Bird or the Saber-Toothed Tiger and make up for centuries of environmental depredation by heedless humans. Just because we may be able to de-extinct vanished species doesnt necessarily mean we should, and we certainly shouldnt do it without the requisite amount of planning and forethought. Cloning a Woolly Mammoth may be a neat, headline-generating trick, but that doesnt necessarily make it good science, especially if youre a bewildered baby Mammoth with a strange-looking mommy and a team of scientists constantly looking at you through a glass window!
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Stefan’s Diaries Bloodlust Chapter 27 Free Essays
My heavy-lidded eyes fought to drift open. I didnt know how much time had passed. Was it one night? Two? A week? It was dark, wherever I was. We will write a custom essay sample on Stefan’s Diaries: Bloodlust Chapter 27 or any similar topic only for you Order Now I was vaguely conscious, hearing footfalls and yelling, and once a voice that sounded like Callies, calling out my name. But one day I woke up without suddenly falling back into unconsciousness. I lifted my arms, realizing I was shackled to the wall. I had vervain burns on my arms and legs. Dried blood crusted my entire body, making it impossible for me to tell where I was wounded. Next to me, Damon was sitting with his knees to his chest. Blood covered his body, and his cheeks were gaunt. Dark shadows rimmed his sunken eyes, but a slow smile was spreading across his face. â€Å"Not so powerful now, are you, brother?†I struggled to sit up. My bones ached. The attic was soaked in a dim gray light that came from a filthy window. The padding and sniffing of a mouse sounded somewhere far across the room. It stirred a hunger inside me, and I realized that I hadnt fed since being here. In the corner, two unfamiliar guards were sitting, oblivious to our near-silent conversation. I shook my head in disgust. How could I have been so stupid? Lexi had been right. Of course she had. Callie had betrayed me. It must have been her plan all along, from the second shed noticed the ring on my finger that matched Damons. I should have realized it the moment Id seen her father in the room. How had I stepped into such a stupid, obvious trap? I deserved to be chained up like an animal. â€Å"Did you love her?†Damon asked, as if he could read my thoughts. I stared straight ahead. â€Å"She hasnt come to visit, in case you were curious,†Damon continued conversationally. â€Å"She is pretty, though in my humble opinion, you could do better.†Anger pushed my fangs into place. â€Å"Where are you going with this?†I growled. Damon gestured to the bars. â€Å"Nowhere, apparently. Excellent job on the rescue attempt.†â€Å"At least I tried,†I said, my fury ebbing and resignation flowing in its place. â€Å"Why even bother?†Damons eyes flashed. â€Å"Have I not made my feelings about you perfectly clear?†â€Å"I †I began, before I realized I had no idea where to even start. How could I tell him that rescuing him wasnt a choice? That our blood ran in each others veins, that we were bound to each other. â€Å"It doesnt matter,†I said. â€Å"No, it doesnt,†Damon said, adopting a philosophical tone. â€Å"After all, well both be dead soon enough. The question is, will you be killed by a crocodile or by a tiger? I heard Gallagher saying crocodiles are the best fight opponents, because they dont go for the kill. They drag it out.†Just then the attic door opened with a flourish, and Gallagher strode into the room, his boots echoing on the floor. â€Å"The vampires are awake!†he bellowed. The two guards hastily jumped to attention, pretending theyd been watching us the whole time. Gallagher strode toward the cage, kneeling at our eye level. His three-piece suit was impeccable, as if hed made his fortune as a financier rather than by torturing vampires. â€Å"Well, well, well the family resemblance is obvious. Im embarrassed to not have noticed it sooner.†He reached through the bars and grabbed the front of my shirt, pulling me against the side of the cage. My face clanged against the bars, and I winced as something wooden jutted into my chest. A stake. â€Å"And you almost got away with acting like a human!†Gallagher threw his head back and laughed, as if it were the most amusing thing in the world. â€Å"You wont get away withthis,†I hissed, pain ripping through my body as he dug the stake farther into my skin. â€Å"Pay attention, vampire!†Gallagher said, his lips curled back in a snarl. â€Å"You know, I think Im going to bet youre the one wholl get killed. Yes, I think that will do very nicely.†He turned toward the two guards. â€Å"Hear that? A tip from the boss. Bet on the dark-haired one,†Gallagher said, twisting the stake against my body. â€Å"I think his brother has more hatred in his belly.†I couldnt see Damons face, but I could picture the smirk that no doubt played on his lips. Gallagher snorted in laughter and threw the vervain-soaked stake to the floor. â€Å"Oh, and I dont want you using the stakes on the vampires for sport anymore,†he said in the direction of the guards. The heavyset one glanced guiltily down at the floor. â€Å"Why not?†the other asked indignantly. â€Å"Its good for em. Shows em their place.†â€Å"Because we want them in tip-top shape for their fight,†Gallagher said, his voice an exaggerated parody of patience. Then Gallagher smiled at us. â€Å"Thats right, boys. You two are going to be fighting, to the death. Its the perfect solution. Ill have one dead vampire to sell for parts, a live one for performances, and profit beyond my wildest imagination. You know, it might be sacrilege, but I say, thank God for vampires!†With that, Gallagher turned to leave the attic, slamming the door behind him. I sank back against the bars. Damon did the same, shutting his eyes. The two guards gaped at us through the bars. â€Å"I know the boss said the dark-haired one, there, but aint he lookin a little weak? My pennies are goin for that boy,†one commented. â€Å"Eh, I always go with what the boss says. Besides, aint all about size, right?†the scrawny one said, sounding affronted by the first guards implication. I slumped against the wall, closing my eyes. The hatred that my brother had for me was surely enough to want me dead. But would Damon really kill me? â€Å"Im more vicious than a crocodile, brother,†Damon said with a smile, his eyes still closed. â€Å"And this is the best piece of news Ive heard since we turned into vampires!†He laughed, long and loud, until one of the guards clambered over and, despite Gallaghers decree, jabbed him with a vervain-laced stake. But even then, he continued to laugh. How to cite Stefan’s Diaries: Bloodlust Chapter 27, Essay examples
Saturday, May 2, 2020
Economic Problem in the Philippines Sample Essay Example For Students
Economic Problem in the Philippines Sample Essay 1. Over-dependence on Global EconomyThe growing of the Philippines economic system drastically slowed to merely 3. 6 % in the first three quarters of 2011. which is significantly less than the 7 % -8 % growing targeted by administration’s Philippine Development Plan ( PDP ) . Though the lag may hold been due to the on-going planetary crisis. it was markedly slower in comparing to other South-East Asiatic neighbours. Economic public presentation figures indicated a contraction in exports and a bead in FDI. Though the remittals from abroad Filipinos to the state grew in the first 10 months of 2011. nevertheless the compensation that abroad Filipinos received really fell. in peso footings. due to an appreciating peso. In 2011 the Aquino disposal sought a FTA ( Free Trade Agreement ) with the EU and fall in the Trans-Pacific Partnership ( TPP ) . The disposal farther allowed the US to even more straight influence Filipino economic policy devising in its opportunism. by come ining in a Partnership for Growth ( PfG ) . These partnerships will accordingly foster the dependance of the economic system on the planetary economic system. whereas a regional agreement between less unequal Southeast Asiatic states is potentially utile. Greater attending has to be paid to turn toing to the internal jobs of the economic system and heightening domestic-oriented growing. A policy of taking structural hindrances to growing has to be adopted with lesser focal point on foreign investors and exporters. 2. Misplaced Fiscal AusterityPracticing financial asceticism merely to acquire favourable recognition evaluations can be counterproductive. The Aquino disposal. in 2011. pursued financial asceticism and spent 2. 1 % less in the first 11 months than it did in the same period last twelvemonth. This along with increased grosss brought down the financial shortage and later international recognition evaluation bureaus Standard and Poor’s. Moody’s and Fitch upgraded the country’s recognition evaluations and mentalities. In 2011 the authorities cut disbursement on economic services. including substructure. in the same vena did non make full in for deficits in instruction. wellness and lodging sectors. As a consequence. over the first three quarters of 2011. income from public building contracted by about 46 % whereas authorities ingestion reduced by a mere 1. 7 % in comparing to the same period last twelvemonth. Misplaced asceticism steps and an overdone concern about recognition evaluations contracts the economic system. reduces demand and undermines hereafter growing. The proposed public private partnerships ( PPPs ) are a hapless replacement to existent investing and public outgo. because the former are majorly driven by short-run net income while the latter drama a critical function to make development. These are merely some of the economic challenges looming big over the Philippines. The state is confronting important diminution in industrial production. gross domestic merchandise. income and employment and gross revenues. The Aquino presidential term purportedly is acquiring the support of the people. as indicated by its high blessing evaluations. for the necessary economic steps that are in the general public involvement. In 2011. the Aquino administration’s policy picks to give greater weight to contract foreign and domestic elite involvements. unluckily. underscores the challenge of forcing for existent reform in 2012. 3. Import-Export ImbalanceThe negative trade is heavy and merely counterbalanced by the service history excess. Over the last two decennaries. Filipino exports have shifted from commodity-based merchandises to fabricate goods. In the thick of the current planetary economic recession. the exports of electronics. garments and fabrics are yet to make a degree of import neutralisation. We can work out it by using a revenue enhancement straight to consumer and every one confront the job in their money and non in the cheque in to the state. Affirmative Action Essay FreeUnemployment is one of the effects of deficiency of instruction. The official unemployment figures for the Philippines in 2011 are among the worst in Asia. higher than its South-East Asiatic neighbours and harmonizing to the International Labor Organization the state is among the worst one-fourth in the universe in footings of unemployment rates. Without a strong fabrication industry or existent Filipino industry. the economic system will be unable to make adequate nice paying occupations. Till so fabricating or services will stay deficient. or of low value-addition. Harmonizing to employment figures. occupations in the Philippines fabrication sector increased by merely 8 % of the entire employment. About three out of every 10 people in the labour force are looking for work or are idle. The excavation sub-sector said to be one of the fastest turning industry in 2011 failed to bring forth new occupations ( merely 0. 6 % of entire employment ) . Steadily lifting rising prices has contributed to the eroding of the value of the minimal pay. Though the Aquino disposal increased the lower limit pay and announced hard currency dole-outs but deficiency of quality decent paying occupations and higher existent rewards continue to be a job. The government’s policy to promote foreign capital. even if in merely low value-added assembly operations will go on to impede existent growing and development of the fabrication sector. The Aquino disposal demands to be after over the long-run. and fix an industrialisation plan that encourages value-addition fabrication or services and builds Filipino-owned industries. To decide such job provide plenty company to work with.
Monday, March 23, 2020
Al-Khwarizmi, a Pioneering Astronomer and Mathematician
Al-Khwarizmi, a Pioneering Astronomer and Mathematician Al-Khwarizmi​ was also known as Abu Jafar Muhammad ibn Musa al-Khwarizmi. He was known for writing major works on astronomy and mathematics that introduced Hindu-Arabic numerals and the idea of algebra to European scholars. The Latinized version of his name gave us the term algorithm, and the title of his most famous and important work gave us the word algebra. What Professions Did Al-Khwarizami Have? Writer, scientist, astronomer, geographer, and mathematician. Places of Residence Asia, Arabia Important Dates Born: c. 786Died: c. 850 About Al-Khwarizmi Muhammad ibn Musa al-Khwarizmi was born in Baghdad in the 780s, around the time Harun al-Rashid became the fifth Abbasid caliph. Haruns son and successor, al-Mamun, founded an academy of science known as the House of Wisdom (Dar al-Hikma). Here, research was conducted and scientific and philosophic treatises were translated, particularly Greek works from the Eastern Roman Empire. Al-Khwarizmi became a scholar at the House of Wisdom. At this important center of learning, al-Khwarizmi studied algebra, geometry, and astronomy. He wrote influential texts on the subjects. He appears to have received the specific patronage of al-Mamun, to whom he dedicated two of his books: his treatise on algebra and his treatise on astronomy. Al-Khwarizmis treatise on algebra, al-Kitab al-mukhtasar fi hisab al-jabr waÊ ¾l-muqabala (â€Å"The Compendious Book on Calculation by Completion and Balancing†), was his most important and well-known work. Elements of Greek, Hebrew, and Hindu works that were derived from Babylonian mathematics of more than 2,000 years earlier were incorporated into al-Khwarizmis treatise. The term al-jabr in its title brought the word algebra into western use when it was translated into Latin several centuries later. Although it sets forth the basic rules of algebra, Hisab al-jabr wal-muqabala had a practical objective: to teach. As al-Khwarizmi put it: ...what is easiest and most useful in arithmetic, such as men constantly require in cases of inheritance, legacies, partition, lawsuits, and trade, and in all their dealings with one another, or where the measuring of lands, the digging of canals, geometrical computations, and other objects of various sorts and kinds are concerned. Hisab al-jabr wal-muqabala included examples as well as algebraic rules in order to help the reader with these practical applications. Al-Khwarizmi also produced a work on Hindu numerals. These symbols, which we recognize as the Arabic numerals used in the west today, originated in India and had only recently been introduced into Arabic mathematics. Al-Khwarizmis treatise describes the place-value system of numerals from 0 to 9 and may be the first known use of a symbol for zero as a place-holder (a blank space had been used in some methods of calculation). The treatise provides methods for arithmetical calculation, and it is believed that a procedure for finding square roots was included. Unfortunately, the original Arabic text is lost. A Latin translation exists, and though it is thought to be considerably changed from the original, it did make an important addition to western mathematical knowledge. From the word Algoritmi in its title, Algoritmi de numero Indorum (in English, Al-Khwarizmi on the Hindu Art of Reckoning), the term algorithm came into western usage. In addition to his works in mathematics, al-Khwarizmi made important strides in geography. He helped create a world map for al-Mamun and took part in a project to find the Earths circumference, in which he measured the length of a degree of a meridian in the plain of Sinjar. His book Kitab surat al-ará ¸ (literally The Image of the Earth, translated as Geography), was based on the geography of Ptolemy and provided the coordinates of approximately 2,400 sites in the known world, including cities, islands, rivers, seas, mountains, and general geographical regions. Al-Khwarizmi improved on Ptolemy with more accurate values for sites in Africa and Asia, and for the length of the Mediterranean Sea. Al-Khwarizmi wrote yet another work that made it into the western canon of mathematical studies: a compilation of astronomical tables. This included a table of sines, and either its original or an Andalusian revision was translated into Latin. He also produced two treatises on the astrolabe, one on the sundial and one on the Jewish calendar, and wrote a political history that included the horoscopes of prominent people. The precise date of al-Khwarizmis death is unknown. Sources Agarwal, Ravi P. Creators of Mathematical and Computational Sciences. Syamal K. Sen, 2014th Edition, Springer, November 13, 2014. OConnor, J. J. Abu Jafar Muhammad ibn Musa Al-Khwarizmi. E. F. Robertson, School of Mathematics and Statistics, University of St Andrews, Scotland, July 1999. Surhone, Lambert M. (Editor). The Compendious Book on Calculation by Completion and Balancing. Miriam T. Timpledon, Susan F. Marseken, VDM Publishing, August 10, 2010. The Editors of Encyclopaedia Britannica. Al-Khwarizmi. Encyclopaedia Britannica, July 20, 1998.
Friday, March 6, 2020
Organizations as Machines and Systems of Political Activity
Organizations as Machines and Systems of Political Activity An effective leader should understand major principles of organizational change, development and behavior. Morgan (2006) introduced (and provided an in-depth analysis of) certain metaphors to use to evaluate organizations’ effectiveness.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Organizations as Machines and Systems of Political Activity specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More These metaphors help analyze effectiveness of the organizational structure and behavior; it can also help evaluate performance of the company and each employee (Renz, 2009). It is possible to consider two metaphors to illustrate this point. Organizations as machines and organizations as systems are two metaphors which can be used to evaluate different aspects of the organization. Organization as a machine is a metaphor that depicts the organization as a machine where all systems work according to some algorithms (Morgan, 2006). Departments are seen as di fferent subsystems of a single machine. The major focus is made on productivity and performance. Such concepts as bureaucracy and technocracy become central. In terms of this metaphor, organizations function according to a plan with no deviation (Morgan, 2006). This metaphor can help evaluate the effectiveness of the strategy chosen. When seeing an organization as a machine, it is rather easy to trace deviations from the plan if any. Performance can also be easily evaluated as it is rather easy to check whether the organization or a particular employee reaches goals set (or even starts working on time) or not. Nonetheless, there is a drawback in this metaphor which prevents leaders from evaluating interpersonal relationships within the company. However, effective leaders should be aware of the relationships existing in the company (Kinicki Kreitner, 2009). The use of this metaphor is also ineffective when concentrating on the change and development of new creative ideas as machines do not create, they only perform. Another metaphor can help focus on relationships within the organization. Unlike the metaphor considered above, the present one does not focus on performance or efficiency. According to Morgan (2006), it is possible to consider the organization as a system of political activity. Thus, such concepts as leadership, power, conflict and relationships come to the fore. In terms of this theory, the leader can trace a variety of links between employees and departments. This can help the leader understand needs and aspirations of the employees, which, in its turn, will help to develop proper approaches applicable in various situations with different individuals.Advertising Looking for essay on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More However, this organizational metaphor prevents the leader from properly evaluating efficiency and performance of the employees and the entire compa ny. It is hardly possible to trace development of innovative ideas. This metaphor is rather ‘narrow’ as it focuses on a particular aspect of organizational behavior. Remarkably, the two metaphors focus on different concepts and are somewhat ‘narrow’. Nevertheless, when used together, these metaphors can help evaluate performance of the organization. More so, leaders should exploit all the metaphors revealed by Morgan (2006) as they reflect a particular facet of organizational development. The use of these metaphors will help the leader get a complete analysis of an organization. In conclusion, it is possible to note that Morgan’s metaphors are helpful when it comes to analysis of organizational behavior. Each metaphor focuses on a particular facet and, hence, it is important to use all the metaphors to have all the necessary data to develop proper approaches and leadership strategies. More so, it is vital to switch between the metaphors in different periods of the organization’s lifetime as sometimes leaders should pay more attention to particular concepts. Reference List Kinicki, A., Kreitner, R. (2009). Organizational behavior. Burr Ridge, ILL: McGraw Hill. Morgan, G. (2006). Images of organizations. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage. Renz, L.M. (2009). Metaphor: Imagery devices used by Morgan to describe organizations as culture and psychic prisons. Emerging Leadership Journeys, 2(1), 54-65.
Tuesday, February 18, 2020
Transfer Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Transfer - Essay Example In real sense, I greatly hope to join university y because the courses offered at the university especially at higher levels, match my career aspirations. My current course is in line with my career path but I would like to go into specialization in my advanced years of study so that I become more competent in few areas of my choice. This is exactly the opportunity that university y offers and I strongly feel that I am better placed at university y as far as my career progression is concerned. Another reason I have the passion to transfer to university y is that policies and the reputation of the university suit my life’s visions. More specifically, I believe that there is more quality education in university y especially when it comes to teaching and research. When I receive the transfer, I will be able to come out of university y a more refined professional because I will be able to utilize my full potential. Besides, university y focuses more on nurturing professionalism than simply imparting academic knowledge on the students. For these reasons, I am fully convinced that university y will suit my lifestyle both as a student and as an aspiring professional. Therefore, I am humbly requesting for a transfer from university x to university
Monday, February 3, 2020
Art Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1
Art - Assignment Example The characters in the painting according to me are husband and wife but the painter confirmed that the painting is about a father and his daughter. (Guardian 2002). If she is the daughter of the man in the painting, then the painting can be interpreted in another way, the painting goes to show that she has no control of her life and she is dominated by her father, she should have got married long back but that’s not quite the case when one looks at the painting. Age has taken a toll on the woman in the painting and she should have got married long back, the same is probably making her depressed and reluctant to make eye contact. In this picture the husband has a stern serious look on his face, which represents his position as a provider. This also could represent an angry farmer who has worked too many years in the fields and would like to retire from his duties. Unfortunately I haven’t done any research regarding this picture and feel if I did look at what other people were saying it may change my own representation. I haven’t heard any background on this particular picture, but I have seen it many times. When I look at the painting, I think of the Amish culture, the women with their hair back, straight laced and abiding, having no voice as far as family decision making is concerned. The men with their serious duties as a provider, having most of the authority in regards to household and discussions are concerned. Many people continue to live in this way, but most are in rural areas of the country. The painter has depicted a painting that can be seen in varieties of ways. This representation of a man and women allow the viewer an open pallet for interpretation and imagination. If I had to label a title on this painting it would say â€Å"An American Couple.†I am not sure why I chose that but it was the first vision I created.
Sunday, January 26, 2020
A Report On Jeeves Plc
A Report On Jeeves Plc In recent years, there is worldwide competition among the companies to secure a marketplace due to the increasing demand amongst the customers. In order to survive in the global marketplace the companies have to give an improved quality of products and services. This Report provides a detailed study of the understanding of total quality management. It also provides an effective decision making techniques to improve the quality of the organisation. The methodologies employed for the integrated quality management as allied to the aspects of the total quality culture. In this project, i have discussed the problems made by JEEVES PLC COMPANY and its causes. With the help of total quality management, I have also suggested some valuable points that can help the company to recover from the problematic situation. In recent years, there is worldwide competition among the companies to secure a marketplace due to the increasing demand amongst the customers. In order to survive in the global marketplace the companies have to give an improved quality of products and services. In some market place there is an increasing supply of competitively priced products and services from low labour cost countries such as those in Far East, China, Vietnam, Philippine and India. Therefore the continuous improvements in total business activities with the focus on the customer throughout the entire organisation and an emphasis on flexibility and quality are one of the main means by which the companies face up to these competitive threats. The quality and its management and the associated continuous improvements are looked upon by many organisations as the means by which they can survive in increasingly aggressive markets and a competitive edge over the rivals. As a result of the efforts made by organisations to r espond to these marketplace demands the quality of products, services and processes has increased considerably during the last decades. QUALITY: The term quality can be defined in different ways. In general Quality can be defined as Degree to which a set of inherent characteristic fulfils requirements on a product which in-turn meets the consumer needs. It can also be defined as the characteristic which meets the requirement of a consumer on a process, a product or a service. Philip Crosbys defined quality as conformance to requirements. (Dale, 1999,2003) Therefore the definition of quality can be defined in its own according to the each related person and related fields. In technical usage, the word Quality is widely accepted to have two meanings. A characteristics of a product or service that bears on its ability to satisfy stated or implied needs; and A product or service free of deficiencies. (Nanda, 2005) QUALITY MANAGEMENT: Quality management is defined as follows Quality management comprises all activities that are required to plan for quality in an organisation, and all activities that are required to satisfy quality objectives. Quality management comprises of four elements, they are Quality planning Quality control Quality assurance Quality improvement Quality planning: Quality planning refers to activities that are performed to: Establish quality objectives Identifying quality requirements Plan for quality management systems Plan for process execution Quality control: Quality control comprises activities executed to fulfil the requirements for quality. This includes: Activities to monitor a process to ensure its output is of required quality; and Activities to correct discrepancies when they occur. Quality assurance: Quality assurance comprises all the planned and systematic activities implemented within the quality system that can be demonstrated to provide confidence that a product or service will fulfil requirements for quality. Quality improvement: Quality improvement can be defined as: Enhancement in the effectiveness and efficiency of the processes; and Enhancement in the extent to which a product satisfies applicable requirements (including quality requirements). TOTAL QUALITY MANAGEMENT: It is an approach that puts quality at the heart of everything that is done by an operation and including all activities within an operation. This in total can be summarised by the TQM lays particular stress on the following: Meeting the needs and expectation of customers; Covering all parts of the organisation; Including every person in the organisation ; Examining all costs which are related to quality, especially failure costs; Getting things right first time i.e. designing in quality rather than inspecting it in; Developing the systems and procedures which support quality and improvement; Developing a continuous process of improvement . Main implementation issues in TQM initiatives: A number of factors appear to be influential in ensuring the success of TQM. These are; The existence of a fully worked-out quality strategy; Top-managements support; A steering group to guide the initiative; An adequate recognitions and rewards the rewards scheme; Group-based improvements; An emphasis on appropriate training. (Nigel Slack, 2004) AN INTRODUCTION TO CASE STUDY ON JEEVES PLC: JEEVES PLC Company manufactures and sells an electronic consumer durable product. This is a domestic robot which is similar to human appearance and its mainly designed to carry out the domestic work. The robot is made up of light alloy material and is equipped with the sensory apparatus like radar which helps in moving the robot without colliding into the things and to carry out the work properly. The robot is controlled to carry out the work with the keyboard underneath the panel of the body. As a special feature it has got equipped with a memory system which is used in programming the machine to walk, move its hands and to perform other movements and as a special feature it is designed with voice programming and has got some simple speaking abilities such that it responds to some of the verbal commands given by the user. PRODUCTION PROCESS The sequence of the production of the robots is as follows: 1).Initially at the production process an order is placed by the department of sales .The robot is manufactured with the ultra light Kevlar and alloy steel sheet which is ordered from the local steel stock holders and the component suppliers supplies the electronic components like electric motors and the batteries, audio recognition devices system and radar vision system and are delivered and analysed. 2).In the following next step the delivered raw material stock is supplied to the inspection department for inspecting the quality certification standards where the quality standards are not to exceed more than 0.3% and 5% of the sample stock was taken by the inspection department randomly. 3).The steel sheet is cut into the required shapes using the high end computer controlled mechanical machinery such as guillotine and any scrap is discarded, followed by making the special joints on precision machined. 4).Once the cutting process is completed the cut sheets are passed to pressing stage to press them into the appropriate shapes such as fronts, backs, arms ,legs, and heads and drilled to facilitate assembly, followed by cleaning ,burnishing and spraying the appropriate colours to increase the appearance of the robot. 5).The painting process is carried out in order to make the surface of the robot free from rust and to give a good appearance such that it attracts the customers. The entire painting process is an automated process, the process proceed through a series chemical treatments then followed by blowing the dried using a hand held hose. The overall painting process involves two coatings of paint which is done by spraying and after once the first coat is completed the casings are polished with the help of machine. Then the last step ends with the hand finishing and polishing .Then the cases are taken from the work in progress (W.I.P) store and kept on a semi-automated assembly line. 6).The next step in the process is precision jointing which helps the robot to rotate its parts like shoulders, knees, and elbow and wrist joints in 6 planes and in consequence. The electronic components like battery, ceramic electric motor, printed circuit boards and storage cards are fixed to the back of the robot machine and also radar vision, gyroscopic balance system and audio reorganisation systems are fixed to the back of the head of the machine. Fibre optic cabling is also done when the arms and legs are assembled with joints and the fronts and backs are joined by using high adhesives. 7).Fronts and backs of the various cases are joined together using high technology epoxy adhesives. Then these applicators receive the casing halves along the assembly line where the adhesives along the surfaces using are spread using a gun. The major joints are done by robot applicators but certain small and in accessible areas have to be made by hand. Cases joined after components got fixed within them. Then the next step in process is to move the entire cases to the final assembly followed by the inspection and the test area to check the tests for held water and air tightness and smoothness of fit. 8).Each sub-assembly is inspected before final assembly. The head, body, arms and legs are connected up using multi-dimensional jointing and flexible hoses. After all the final inspection tests are carried out then the machine is subjected to some practical tests once after the software is installed into the system for visual inspection which follows in a sequence which takes for five consecutive weeks. (link, 2009) IDENTIFICATION OF PROBLEM AND ITS CAUSES: Problem-1 Problem1 DEVIATION RELEVANT FACTS IRRELEVANT FACTS WHAT IS IT? Cost of failure prevention is low (4%) Appraisal and inspection cost is 44% WHERE IS IT? Distribution of quality cost Distribution of quality cost WHEN DID IT OCCUR? Estimation of quality cost Estimation of quality cost HOW EXTENSIVE? large large IDENTIFICATION OF DISTINCTION/ CHANGES / RELATIONSHIPS The organisation is not concentrating on the failure prevention which plays a vital role in the productivity and hence it is unnecessary to make an increments in appraisal and inspection cost. And also there seems that appraisal is given to the unskilled employees were employed in the organisation and they are paid with an appraisal which is unnecessary EFFECTS OF THE PROBLEM If the organisation is not going to concentrate on failure prevention then there will be a huge amount of raw materials and money will be wasted. When a semi-skilled labour is employed in the organisation there will be wastage of time and money POSSIBLE SOLUTIONS The organisation must concentrate more on the failure prevention the prior training should be given to the employees are semi-skilled in order to accomplish the quality requirements Problem2 DEVIATION RELEVANT FACTS IRRELEVANT FACTS WHAT IS IT? Absenteeism WHERE IS IT? organisation WHEN DID IT OCCUR? during August and December HOW EXTENSIVE? large IDENTIFICATION OF DISTINCTION/ CHANGES / RELATIONSHIPS The staffs are not proper in adopting the work culture and there seems a lack of commitment towards the work EFFECTS OF THE PROBLEM if this happens the entire production will get slow down and production will get delayed and this will lead to a financial loss to the organisation POSSIBLE SOLUTIONS they should be educated about the importance of the group work and they are made to involve in the work Problem3 DEVIATION RELEVANT FACTS IRRELEVANT FACTS WHAT IS IT? Loss in capital employed WHERE IS IT? factory WHEN DID IT OCCUR? Year 2020 HOW EXTENSIVE? large IDENTIFICATION OF DISTINCTION/ CHANGES / RELATIONSHIPS it is observed that the capital investment per unit starting from the year 2016 to 2020 has been consequently decreasing EFFECTS OF THE PROBLEM This results in increase in productivity cost and capital investment POSSIBLE SOLUTIONS it is observed that the capital investment per unit starting from the year 2016 to 2020 has been consequently decreasing Problem4 DEVIATION RELEVANT FACTS IRRELEVANT FACTS WHAT IS IT? Some of the painting process is unnecessary WHERE IS IT? factory WHEN DID IT OCCUR? Automated painting process HOW EXTENSIVE? small IDENTIFICATION OF DISTINCTION/ CHANGES / RELATIONSHIPS In the painting process the parts of the robot are under gone a several steps of chemical treatments to prevent the surface free from rust which are normally dried using a hand held hose, where some of the operatives suggest it is unnecessary. EFFECTS OF THE PROBLEM This results in waste in time, money and labours assigned to the work POSSIBLE SOLUTIONS avoiding this stage may save the money, the time and the labour assigned to that particular job and they can be used for any other purpose so that the productivity may increase somewhat. Problem 5 DEVIATION RELEVANT FACTS IRRELEVANT FACTS WHAT IS IT? New precision joining unit WHERE IS IT? precision jointing WHEN DID IT OCCUR? weeks ending 9th and 23rd November HOW EXTENSIVE? large IDENTIFICATION OF DISTINCTION/ CHANGES / RELATIONSHIPS In the organisation they have setup a new precision joining unit for joining the shoulders, arms, elbow, knees and wrist joints of the product which requires own patented joining system which is expensive and requires highly skilled labour technicians and high end latest tools to work. Even though using such high end tools the fine tolerance in jointing mechanisms runs away. And it is observed that the rejections are 10% worse than the norm on the weeks ending 9th and 23rd November. EFFECTS OF THE PROBLEM This results a waste of money and time .It gives a poor quality of products POSSIBLE SOLUTIONS Better suggestion regarding this case is to avoid using patented jointing systems Problem 6 DEVIATION RELEVANT FACTS IRRELEVANT FACTS WHAT IS IT? Poor fittings WHERE IS IT? Fitting section WHEN DID IT OCCUR? Fixing an assembly HOW EXTENSIVE? large IDENTIFICATION OF DISTINCTION/ CHANGES / RELATIONSHIPS The assembly is done, mainly by semi-skilled workers using power tools which results in poor fittings more rejections and again they are scraped back to rework on the same products EFFECTS OF THE PROBLEM Poor fitting results in more rejections and the which leads to wastage of time, money and labour POSSIBLE SOLUTIONS proper training should be given to the workers for fitting the joints and inspection has to be done properly so that they are not suppose to work on it again. Problem 7 DEVIATION RELEVANT FACTS IRRELEVANT FACTS WHAT IS IT? Repairing the joints WHERE IS IT? precision jointing WHEN DID IT OCCUR? weeks ending 9th and 23rd November HOW EXTENSIVE? moderate IDENTIFICATION OF DISTINCTION/ CHANGES / RELATIONSHIPS Even though the management places heavy emphasis on standard productivity the applicators achieve this pace but final assembly is frequently reduced because more time than was expected is spent on repairing the joints. EFFECTS OF THE PROBLEM There is a great deal of grumbling amongst the final assembly workers whose task is made more difficult by misaligned and poorly fitted joints. POSSIBLE SOLUTIONS In order to achieve the good quality product the necessary precautions can be taken like training the applicators on the job well with good technical knowledge skills and giving proper feedback on their performance. CONCLUSION: From the case study we can conclude that the organisation is to be managed well in order to increase the productivity rather than the profits and more over we have to concentrate on the miscellaneous expenditures, reducing product and service costs. S
Saturday, January 18, 2020
How male/female relationships are portrayed in Macbeth and poems
Male/female relationships are portrayed differently in the poems ‘Porphyria’s Lover’, ‘Havisham’, ‘Cousin Kate’ and the play ‘Macbeth’. They all surround the themes of love, hate, jealousy, betrayal, guilt and obsession. However, the love versus hate theme is most dominant because all of the poems and the play have a melancholy mood, showing how the key characters have been hurt by love through their relationships and how afterwards, the way they feel has also been affected.Shakespeare’s characters Macbeth and Lady Macbeth are initially united by their mutual ambition for power and their relationship is strong. However, over time, they become haunted by the brutal deeds that they have carried out to achieve their aims. They are driven apart by their inner feelings, secrets and guilt. In Act 1 Scene 7 of Macbeth, Lady Macbeth is portrayed as a woman in control over her man, a very odd situation in Jacobean times where t he man would most often be in control of the woman.She is shown as being in control by persuading Macbeth into murdering Duncan, the king. She says, â€Å"Which thou esteem’st the ornament of life, And live a coward in thine own esteem,†to Macbeth, telling him he could have all his desires and the crown, but he is a coward and won’t achieve it. This makes the audience see her as a much less sensitive and respectful woman, compared to the typical Jacobean lady, being restricted and controlled by male dominance in society. At the time the play was written, women had no power or control over anything, and all decisions were made by men.However, Lady Macbeth is the opposite of this, and challenges Macbeth to murder Duncan. While Lady Macbeth is shown as having more power at this point in the play, they aren’t hiding their thoughts or secrets from each other. The audience are shown this by the couple plotting the murder together as a united team and by them d iscussing â€Å"what cannot you and I perform upon the unguarded Duncan†. The effect of this on the audience is very powerful, as it shows how they would plan such a horrible deed together as a team, and don’t hide any of their secrets from each other.Although planning the murder is horrific, they are shown as having a very close relationship at this point in the play, due to the fact that they don’t keep secrets from each other and are willing to plan a murder together. Lady Macbeth in Act 1 Scene 7 is shown to the audience as being quite demanding and persuading towards Macbeth about murdering Duncan. She uses different techniques to try and persuade Macbeth to murder the king, for example, using flattery when she says â€Å"When you durst do it, then you were a man: And, to be more than what you were, you would Be so much more the man.†The techniques she used eventually managed to convince her husband to kill Duncan. The effect of Lady Macbeth using th ese techniques on the audience makes them portray her as quite desperate for Macbeth to kill Duncan and that she acknowledges as a woman she can’t do the deed herself, she does not have enough power to do so. The relationship between Macbeth and Lady Macbeth is shown to the audience as being quite tense at this point, due to Macbeth not wanting to neither murder the king nor disappoint his wife.Another technique she uses as well as flattery is guilt, to make Macbeth feel bad for breaking his promise to her and for not murdering Duncan, allowing Lady Macbeth to become the Queen of Scotland. Lady Macbeth is shown as not acting how a typical Jacobean lady would, calm, innocent and clean, but instead as manly, aggressive and dark-minded. When she is persuading Macbeth to murder Duncan, she says to him, â€Å"I would, while it was smiling in my face, Have pluck’d my nipple from his boneless gums, And dash’d the brains out, had I so sworn as you have done this†.This quote has a very powerful effect on the audience and shows to them how heartless, ruthless and insensitive she is. The symbol of a mother and her baby represents the closest bond of love, yet Lady Macbeth would have been willing to destroy it if she had made a promise to Macbeth. This reveals to the audience that Lady Macbeth is determined to see Duncan murdered. She says she will do anything for Macbeth, and challenges him to do the same for her by murdering Duncan, against his will.In Act 3 Scene 2, after Macbeth has been crowned King of Scotland following the murder of Duncan, Lady Macbeth is no longer portrayed as powerful and dominant. Instead, Macbeth is now in control in their relationship. Lady Macbeth says to one of her servants, â€Å"Say to the king, I would attend his leisure for a few words,†instead of approaching him directly, suggesting that they are becoming more distant from each other. This shows the audience that Lady Macbeth recognises Macbethâ€⠄¢s power as king and is conscious that she should be more reverent towards him.In this scene, Lady Macbeth behaves less aggressively and more sensitively towards Macbeth’s feelings, like a traditional Jacobean wife would towards her husband. She says, â€Å"Gentle my lord, sleek o'er your rugged looks; be bright and jovial among your guests to-night. †From this quote the audience can see that she is trying to calm and soothe Macbeth, suggesting that she feels guilty about convincing him to kill Duncan. She is shown as being quite caring, the opposite of her earlier personality.This makes the audience believe that although she was has been a very strong character, she is able to adjust the way she behaves according to the situation she is in, in this case Macbeth starting to become paranoid and delirious. On the contrary, their relationship at this point is being driven apart; they are keeping their feelings and secrets away from each other. Macbeth, while planning to kill Banquo and Fleance, says to Lady Macbeth, â€Å"Be innocent of the knowledge, dearest chuck, Till thou applaud the deed.†This quote shows the audience that Macbeth doesn’t want Lady Macbeth to know about his plan for killing Banquo and Fleance until he has done it. It shows that Macbeth is isolating himself from everybody else including Lady Macbeth, driving their relationship further and further away. Macbeth, in this scene, becomes overwhelmed by paranoia and the guilt of murdering Duncan. â€Å"We have scorch’d the snake, not kill’d it: She’ll close and be herself, whilst our poor malice Remains in danger of her former tooth. †In conclusion, Macbeth is both a victim of persuasion from his wife and fate, as prophesised by the witches.Lady Macbeth is a very strong influence of his actions in the first part of the play. In the later scene, however, he is in control of her instead and even approaching their deaths, the relationship bet ween them remains intact. The poems ‘Porphyria’s Lover’, ‘Havisham’ and ‘Cousin Kate’ are all based around three key themes; love, betrayal and jealousy. These poems all have a gloomy mood about them and unlike ‘Macbeth’ the central relationship in each of the poems are destroyed by the end of the poem. The relationships in the poems are broken apart by the actions of the male character.Robert Browning’s ‘Porphyria’s Lover’ is very interesting as the mood of the poem changes quite quickly. At the start of the poem, Porphyria is quite controlling of her lover. The reader is shown this by her lover saying, â€Å"She shut out the cold and storm And kneeled and made the cheerless grate Blaze up and all the cottage warm†. This quote shows that as soon as Porphyria has entered, she is adjusting the conditions to suit her, in this case making the cottage warmer. This suggests to the reader that Por phyria likes to be in control, and that she is most dominant in the relationship between her and her lover.The quote â€Å"She sat down by my side And called me. When no voice replied, She put my arm about her waist†shows how when her lover ignores her, she controls his body so that he notices her more. This makes the reader portray her as having quite a forceful and vigorous character and that Porphyria’s lover allows her to control him, suggesting to the reader that he is a weak character. Later on in the poem, Porphyria’s lover is portrayed as being quite obsessive of her. He thinks Porphyria adores him and remarks â€Å"That moment she was mine, mine, fair†.He is deluded about their relationship and believes â€Å"Porphyria worshipped me†. The reader is shown how her lover wants to possess Porphyria as if she is an object of desire, making them question whether he truly loves her. This makes the reader portray the relationship between them as quite tense, since he is very possessive of Porphyria and makes the reader believe he doesn’t truly love her. Porphyria and her lovers’ relationship changes at this point, and instead of loving each other as the audience believes at the start of the poem, Porphyria decides she does not want to be with her lover anymore.Porphyria feels that her pride and class is more important than her love and is believed by her lover to be â€Å"Too weak for all her heart’s endeavour, To set it struggling passion free†. The reader views Porphyria as being quite conscious of her dignity and status in society, and is shown that she believes she is too good for him. This makes the reader question whether she truly loves him or if she doesn’t at all. The relationship at this point in the poem is shown to the reader as being quite tense, due to the fact that Porphyria doesn’t want to be with her lover anymore and wanting to leave him.Porphyria’s lover be lieves that Porphyria wanted to be with him and convinced himself that by killing her he has fulfilled her wish to be with him. â€Å"Porphyria’s love: she guessed now how, Her darling one wish would be heard†. This quote shows to the reader that her lover wishes for her happiness, suggesting that her does truly love her. Their relationship at this point ends, yet they have both achieved their dreams; Porphyria has been able to leave him through death, yet he is happy to have her body as an object of his desire. ‘Havisham’ by Carol Ann Duffy contrasts to ‘Porphyria’s Lover’ in many ways.Firstly, the key character has already been hurt by her lover before the poem has started, unlike ‘Porphyria’s Lover’ where she is hurt at the end. The reader is shown that Havisham has been hurt by her saying â€Å"not a day since then I haven’t wished him dead†. This quote has a very powerful effect on the reader, as i t shows them Havisham’s feelings towards love after she has been hurt by it, and the affect it has had on her, making them empathise with her. The relationship in this poem compared to ‘Porphyria’s Lover’ is very different yet mysterious, due to the fact that the reader is left to guess what has happened previously before the poem.Another reason for why ‘Havisham’ differs from ‘Porphyria’s Lover’ is that the poet has written the poem from the women’s perspective, instead of the man’s like in ‘Porphyria’s Lover’. The key character from ‘Havisham’ is portrayed to the reader as being left heartbroken by her lover and psychologically scarred. She spent â€Å"Whole days in bed cawing Nooooo at the wall†, which shows the reader that she is depressed and has chosen to isolated herself from the rest of society.This suggests that she now feels alone and possibly worthless, the op posite of ‘Porphyria’s Lover’ where Porphyria believes her pride and high class in society is more important than her love. This has an interesting effect on the reader because it shows them the vast effect love can have on people, and how it can change them altogether, just like how Havisham has changed. Furthermore, Havisham says â€Å"beloved sweetheart bastard†, showing the reader that she used to adore her lover, but now hates him and thinks poorly of him. This quote is very effective and Duffy has used oxymoron to express how Havisham feels about her lover to the reader.This is a similar technique to the pathetic fallacy used by Browning in ‘Porphyria’s Lover’ when it says â€Å"The rain set early in tonight, The sullen wind was soon awake†, referring to Porphyria coming to visit her lover. These techniques that the poets use are very effective and hint different messages to the reader about the poems, in the case of Ã¢â‚¬Ë œHavisham’, showing how she used to love him but now despises him. Christina Rossetti’s ‘Cousin Kate’ is similar to ‘Havisham’ by the main female character being hurt by her lover.This is shown by the quote â€Å"He lured me to his palace home, Woe's me for joy thereof, To lead a shameless shameful life, His plaything and his love†. This quote shows the poem is similar to ‘Havisham’ because it shows how the woman was led by the key male character to believe that he loves her, which is different to ‘Porphyria’s Lover’. It is also similar because it uses oxymoron when it says Also in ‘Cousin Kate’, the main character is empathised with by the reader due to the fact that the Great Lord, who she truly loved, left her for her own cousin. â€Å"O cousin Kate, my love was true, Your love was writ in sand†.This quote shows that the key character believes that Kate never loved the Great Lord, and it suggests that she is jealous of her. This is similar to ‘Havisham’ where the key male character leaves her heartbroken and distressed. However, this is different to ‘Porphyria’s Lover’ as the central relationship in ‘Cousin Kate’ doesn’t last until the end of the poem. In conclusion, ‘Macbeth’, ‘Porphyria’s Lover’, ‘Havisham’ and ‘Cousin Kate’ are all similar how they are all based upon the love versus hate theme. In my opinion, the relationships in all three of the poems are very similar, how they have all been hurt through love.However, the relationship in Macbeth is different because the key relationship is shown to the audience as still being intact even through death. All four pieces are linked by having a central relationship between male and female characters, which ends tragically. This is a reoccurring theme throughout the pieces as well as the themes of je alousy, love versus hate, obsession and guilt. The love versus hate theme is very significant, as it is an example of oxymoron itself, as used in the poems. All these pieces are very effective examples of this love versus hate theme represented throughout.
Friday, January 10, 2020
Functional Areas and Communication Essay
Manchester airport must be able to recruit the best employees and make sure they work effectively and safely. The responsibility for these tasks lies with the human resources department. HRD is involved with staff development. The department is divided into five different areas; recruitment retention and dismissal, working conditions, training development and promotion, employee organisations and unions and health and safety. Recruitment is getting the right people for the jobs, retention is keeping them and dismissal is where the employee is required to leave their job. The staff in the ‘working conditions’ department assesses everyone’s working environment within Manchester airport and decides if it needs improvement and how to do it. The ‘training, development and promotion’ department deal with the quality of the employees work; if they need to go on a training course to refresh their skills or find out how the job and company works or to get promoted because their standard of work is excellent. The ’employee organisations and unions’ department deals with care groups within the work life. The ‘health and safety’ department deal with the health and safety of everyone’s working environment and make sure that all the regulations are complied with. All businesses such as Manchester airport need to manage all the incoming and outgoing money. They also need to understand this information in order to plan what to do next. The finance department deals with these three areas; preparing accounts, paying wages and salaries and obtaining capital and resources. There are three types of account, financial accounts, cost accounts and management accounts. Financial accounts are usually found in large organisations such as Manchester airport, it deals with how much has been spent and how it has effected the profits. Cost accounts calculate the cost of the businesses services and products. The management accountant deals with the actual income and expenditure of each of Manchester airports activities. The work of the finance department affects other areas within Manchester airport because it funds them for improvement expansion and development. The administration and IT support function helps Manchester airport run smoothly from day to day. This could cover a number of different tasks such as clerical work, cleaning and maintainance, health and safety, security and support for software applications, electronic communications and electronic transactions. IT might be used to cut costs and improve Manchester airports services. This might be achieved by use of electronic communication between departments such as e-mail and the Internet or different facilities to share common data like employee records and financial data. Security systems, external communications, online support for customers and electronic transactions might also help to achieve this. Clerical work deals with administrative tasks such as mail, keeping records, logbooks, references and organising meetings. Mail can be delivered two ways, by direct delivery or private box. Direct delivery means the post is sent directly to the firms business address. In large firms such as Manchester Airport the delivery will be to the reception desk. The disadvantage of this is that work cannot begin on the mail until a delivery has been made. Alternately firms can rent a box at the local post office each box has a number that is part of the firms address. Mail addressed to the firms Post Office box (PO box) number is stored until a representative of the firm arranges to collect it. The collection time can be arranged for before most of the employees start work so as soon as they arrive they can start work on it. The procedures of opening mail vary according to the size of the firm. In small organisations the people to whom the letters are addressed will open them and deal with them directly. This system will be used for the individual branches of McDonald’s. in larger firms the unopened mail will be sorted into piles for each department or to people to whom they are addressed. Then the letters will be opened. In all but the smallest of organisations a secretary or manager will open the letters and in the larger firms there will be a mail room to deal with incoming and outgoing mail. Manchester Airport will have a mail room. Businesses store their records in a variety of ways, for example as photocopies or on computer disc. IT makes this process easior and faster. Filing is very important especially in large business such as Manchester Airport where the amount of information increases at a more rapid rate than in smaller businesses for instance the individual branches or McDonald’s. documents can be filed in a variety of ways, alphabetically, chronologically (on order of date) or geographically (according to county, town or country they were sent). Logbooks is used to record chosen activities. The most common use of logbooks in businesses is probably the post book. They can also be used to record who has taken which document to which department and visitors are often asked to sign in and out of a log book. Logbooks are a useful way of recording actions so that information can be tracked down easily. They will be used more in larger organisations which have a lot of valuable information rather than a small business which receives and creates only a small amount of documents.
Thursday, January 2, 2020
Masters of Business Administration (MBA) Admission Essay
To this end I’ve gained a strong conviction to pursue a post graduate degree programme in Masters of Business Administration and believe that this will open up myriad professional opportunities in tandem with my career prospects. My focus and determination on personal growth and development has overtime ensured my success in different academic and professional fields. Among my primary application choices, Kellstadt Graduate School of Business is the most realistic school for me to get in since It is the largest private provider of part-time business graduate education programs in the country, and also offers a variety of business programs at locations and times that are accessible for the working professional. I’m passionate about career development and take great interest in academic research. With the changing business trends and strategies in the corporate world, I believe having a comprehensive understanding of the current management models and business concepts is the most appropriate move to keep up with the market economy and ensure total quality management of products and services. I hold a Bachelor of Science degree in Biology (Allied Health Sciences) with a concentration in Ctyology. I have also worked in Detroit medical center. I was able to Work with Pathologists to detect abnormal pathological disease processes along with changes in cellular material from all body sites in the early diagnosis of cancer. Prior to this, I have also worked in Acl laboratories and as a lecturer in the university hospital. The marketing department played a vital role to the sales department. We developed campaigns to promote the product to distributors and customers. I developed the branding,for instance the logo, the slogan, that was used in advertising. We were responsible for all press releases. I helped create campaigns that make the product attractive to purchase, either by customers directly or by distributors who will sell the product for you.This kind of resilience and sense of responsibility has up to date enabled me to successfully serve as a marketer. My short term goals is to Work full-time at my current profession as a Cytologist at ACL Laboratories while pursuing my MBA at Depaul part time for Marketing. In this respect during my MBA programme and even upon the successful completion of the programme I’ll be in a better position to deliver professional management services and also detect abnormal pathological disease processes along with changes in cellular material from all body sites in the early diagnosis of cancer to the corporate world and even start my own business using the skills and knowledge I’ve acquired. Due to my background in healthcare, my long term goal is to be able to work in marketing at a pharma company or hospital for the marketing department and employ a competent team in both the operations and management levels. To this end I believe the MBA programmer will sharpen my marketing competence and expose me to much more competitive international business strategies that will eventually put me in the world map as a professional and most successful marketer and business proprietor. This will not only fulfill my career ambitions but will provide me with the knowledge, education and real-world experience after an internship to be successful at my lifelong goal in marketing. It will also benefit the business community and the society at large. I’ll finally be able to make a significant contribution to the society and make a difference. The MBA programme will also provide me with a solid academic ground towards pursuance of Doctor of Philosophy programme (PHD). I’ll eventually be able to make a significant contribution to the society and make a difference. When I was working in Detroit medical center I experienced an ethical dilemma where a Registered Nurse (RN) from the unit that I was working told me that she had difficulty with language barrier with a 78-year-old Afghan male patient. She asked me if I could help her with the Persian language translation. She was frustrated as to why her patient did not pass urine since his admission. She told me that she wanted to use urine bottle but the man refused and did not let her use it. I went to the patient’s room introduced myself and translated what the nurse asked me to tell to Mr. X.Mr x told claimed that the nurse was shameless and that she tries to touches his private area.I explained to the patient the reason to why the nurse touched him was that she tried so much to make him understand but since he did not, she moved to practically showing him. Therefore, I taught him how to use urine bottle and also where to place it once he was done with it. I showed him the call bell and put it in his reach and told him that when he needed help, he would just press the red button, and then his nurse would come to help. I wrote in a paper in Persian that he could understand and in English that the nurse could understand such as â€Å"I want water, I want walker to go to washroom ete. I showed him all the buttons that were demonstrated with pictures in his bed and I give him a clear direction on how he could use to position himself. I gave him the paper and told him to show the appropriate request sentences to the nurse if he needed any help and he could be assisted. Since 6 o’clock was the medication time for my patients and I had to attend to them, I bid farewell to him and left his room. I was pleased with the end results because Mr. X. was able to manage his bed positioning by learning the buttons on his bed he acquired some se nse of mastery, sense of control and self efficacy. He did not express powerlessness and helplessness any more. As part of the collaborative, I thought that it would have been effective if nurses s found out more effectual ways of communicating with their patients and should use culturally proficient communication with patients. Nurses should use culturally proficient communication with patients with the intention of taking into concern the client’s verbal or nonverbal language, unique healthcare needs, perceptions, and cultural ethics. Lack of knowledge and influence of culture may cause frustration to both the nurse and the patient .This may also make a patient feel powerless. Sensitivity to cultural assortment can make the entire significant role in building a healthy patient nurse relationship and decreases powerlessness. Hospitals should come up with staff interpreters, External interpretation agencies to reduce language and communication barriers that pose a severe threat to receiving high-quality and safe health care.
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