Tuesday, November 26, 2019
100 Exquisite Adjectives
100 Exquisite Adjectives 100 Exquisite Adjectives 100 Exquisite Adjectives By Mark Nichol Adjectives descriptive words that modify nouns often come under fire for their cluttering quality, but often it’s quality, not quantity, that is the issue. Plenty of tired adjectives are available to spoil a good sentence, but when you find just the right word for the job, enrichment ensues. Practice precision when you select words. Here’s a list of adjectives: Adamant: unyielding; a very hard substance Adroit: clever, resourceful Amatory: sexual Animistic: quality of recurrence or reversion to earlier form Antic: clownish, frolicsome Arcadian: serene Baleful: deadly, foreboding Bellicose: quarrelsome (its synonym belligerent can also be a noun) Bilious: unpleasant, peevish Boorish: crude, insensitive Calamitous: disastrous Caustic: corrosive, sarcastic; a corrosive substance Cerulean: sky blue Comely: attractive Concomitant: accompanying Contumacious: rebellious Corpulent: obese Crapulous: immoderate in appetite Defamatory: maliciously misrepresenting Didactic: conveying information or moral instruction Dilatory: causing delay, tardy Dowdy: shabby, old-fashioned; an unkempt woman Efficacious: producing a desired effect Effulgent: brilliantly radiant Egregious: conspicuous, flagrant Endemic: prevalent, native, peculiar to an area Equanimous: even, balanced Execrable: wretched, detestable Fastidious: meticulous, overly delicate Feckless: weak, irresponsible Fecund: prolific, inventive Friable: brittle Fulsome: abundant, overdone, effusive Garrulous: wordy, talkative Guileless: naive Gustatory: having to do with taste or eating Heuristic: learning through trial-and-error or problem solving Histrionic: affected, theatrical Hubristic: proud, excessively self-confident Incendiary: inflammatory, spontaneously combustible, hot Insidious: subtle, seductive, treacherous Insolent: impudent, contemptuous Intransigent: uncompromising Inveterate: habitual, persistent Invidious: resentful, envious, obnoxious Irksome: annoying Jejune: dull, puerile Jocular: jesting, playful Judicious: discreet Lachrymose: tearful Limpid: simple, transparent, serene Loquacious: talkative Luminous: clear, shining Mannered: artificial, stilted Mendacious: deceptive Meretricious: whorish, superficially appealing, pretentious Minatory: menacing Mordant: biting, incisive, pungent Munificent: lavish, generous Nefarious: wicked Noxious: harmful, corrupting Obtuse: blunt, stupid Parsimonious: frugal, restrained Pendulous: suspended, indecisive Pernicious: injurious, deadly Pervasive: widespread Petulant: rude, ill humored Platitudinous: resembling or full of dull or banal comments Precipitate: steep, speedy Propitious: auspicious, advantageous, benevolent Puckish: impish Querulous: cranky, whining Quiescent: inactive, untroublesome Rebarbative: irritating, repellent Recalcitrant: resistant, obstinate Redolent: aromatic, evocative Rhadamanthine: harshly strict Risible: laughable Ruminative: contemplative Sagacious: wise, discerning Salubrious: healthful Sartorial: relating to attire, especially tailored fashions Sclerotic: hardening Serpentine: snake-like, winding, tempting or wily Spasmodic: having to do with or resembling a spasm, excitable, intermittent Strident: harsh, discordant; obtrusively loud Taciturn: closemouthed, reticent Tenacious: persistent, cohesive, Tremulous: nervous, trembling, timid, sensitive Trenchant: sharp, penetrating, distinct Turbulent: restless, tempestuous Turgid: swollen, pompous Ubiquitous: pervasive, widespread Uxorious: inordinately affectionate or compliant with a wife Verdant: green, unripe Voluble: glib, given to speaking Voracious: ravenous, insatiable Wheedling: flattering Withering: devastating Zealous: eager, devoted Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the General category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:How to Punctuate References to Dates and Times"Confused With" and "Confused About"Quiet or Quite?
Friday, November 22, 2019
75 Idioms and Expressions That Include Break
75 Idioms and Expressions That Include Break 75 Idioms and Expressions That Include â€Å"Break†75 Idioms and Expressions That Include â€Å"Break†By Mark Nichol Break and its various forms are found in a number of idioms and expressions. Here is an extensive but likely incomplete list of such usages. 1. All hell break(s) loose: chaos ensues 2. Break bad: defy authority 3. Break bread: to dine together, thus symbolizing peace and cooperation 4. Break a code: figure out a system for disguising communication 5. Break a law: do something illegal 6. Break a leg: an expression from the performing arts equivalent to â€Å"Good luck†7. Break a/the record: exceed the previous best performance 8. Break a habit: stop doing something one does regularly 9. Break a story: be the first journalist to report on an incident or issue 10. Break away: separate from a group 11. Break (one’s) back: expend a great deal of effort for a result 12. Break (one’s) balls: overwhelm or overwork someone 13. Break camp: pack equipment at a campsite in preparation for departure 14. Break down: physically or emotionally collapse, or reduce something to its constituent parts 15. Break even: end up with the same amount of money one had before investing or gambling 16. Break faith: cease to support, or to abide by a promise 17. Break (one’s) fall: prevent a fall of one’s body that might have caused injury 18. Break for: pause for 19. Break formation: cease to operate in an established formation or pattern 20. Break free: release oneself from a literal or figurative restraint 21. Break (one’s) heart: suffer emotional distress 22. Break ground: begin construction 23. Break in (or into): enter by force 24. Break (one) in: introduce someone to something, or initiate someone into something 25. Break it up: an admonition to stop what one is doing, especially arguing or fighting 26. Break loose: separate from 27. Break into a gallop: suddenly increase one’s pace to a gallop while riding a horse 28. Break new ground: begin something new or do something different 29. Break (one) of (something): cause someone to stop doing something habitual 30. Break of dawn: beginning of the day 31. Break off: stop or cease 32. Break open: forcibly open 33. Break out: forcibly remove something from something else, literally or figuratively escape, burst forth suddenly, separate (as into groups), or develop pimples 34. Break out in a cold sweat: become suddenly nervous or frightened so that one literally or figurative perspires 35. Break out in a rash: suddenly develop a skin condition 36. Break out in tears: suddenly begin crying 37. Break ranks: cease to adhere to a certain opinion or cause 38. Break silence: cease to refrain from speaking about something 39. Break (one’s) stride: suddenly stop walking 40. Break the back of: reduce the power or end the domination of 41. Break the bank: use all of one’s funds 42. Break the fourth wall: address an audience directly rather than act as if there is no audience (said of an actor) 43. Break the ice: do something to alleviate awkwardness or nervousness 44. Break the mold: do something differently than it has been done before, or, in the case of a comment that â€Å"They broke the mold when . . . ,†a sentiment that someone or something has no equal 45. Break the news: share (often unpleasant) information 46. Break the silence: speak up about a topic previously avoided 47. Break the spell: end a period in which one experienced delight 48. Break through: overcome 49. Break (something) to (someone): provide (usually unpleasant) news or information 50. Break up: to separate into pieces 51. Break up with: to end a romantic relationship with 52. Break wind: create flatulence 53. Break with: end a relationship with 54. Break with tradition: deviate from custom or standard practice 55. Break (one’s) word: renege on a promise 56. Breaking point: the limit of physical or emotional endurance 57. Broke: out of money 58. Broken arrow: military jargon or code referring to an accident involving nuclear weaponry or to a request for air support for a threatened position 59. Broken dreams: unfulfilled aspirations 60. (Sound like a) broken record: sound repetitive, like a vinyl record that skips and therefore repeatedly plays a sound 61. Broken reed: unreliable person (on the analogy of the broken reed of a reed instrument) 62. Even break: even chance 63. (Make a) clean break: escape without complications, or start over again 64. Give me a break: said to express skepticism or exasperation 65. Go for broke: risk everything 66. If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it: don’t try to improve something that works well 67. Lucky break: fortunate occurrence 68. Make a break for it: attempt to escape or get away 69. Make or break: said of a critical action that will result in significant success or failure 70. Sticks and stones may break my bones but names will never hurt me: a child’s response to name-calling expressing that he or she is not injured by the name-calling 71. Take a break: pause while working 72. That’s the breaks/them’s the breaks: an expression of mild sympathy for bad luck 73. The straw that breaks the camel’s back: the final unfortunate or unpleasant incident that results in abandoning or rejecting a situation 74. Tough break: bad luck 75. You cannot make an omelet without breaking eggs: a saying referring to the fact that sacrifices must be made to obtain desirable results Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Expressions category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:How to Format a UK Business LetterThe Possessive Apostrophe5 Ways to Reduce Use of Prepositions
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Hulse Letters Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words - 2
Hulse Letters - Assignment Example In letters written by Hulse to his mother, the soldiers are seen determined, hardworking and impatient in the first months when preparing for battle, in his first letter he enthusiastically explains to his mother about their work in the mobilization of machinery and the soldiers readiness to set them in motion at any time, he talks animatedly about their position and the strengths of the British and French forces and fleet as compared to the German side.1 In his second letter he hinted of the start of the battle and talks about delivering a lecture to his platoon, he reminded them of their duty to their country, discipline and the treatment of all inhabitants with kindness. This is a depiction of a good leader setting an example for his fellow countrymen and giving them the necessary confidence and attitude to carry into the battlefield. As a leader he vows to set an example in his home or abroad when serving his country and king.2 The weather conditions in the field were wet and dreary, at first it hot and the temperatures inconveniencing, however the battalion and all its soldiers were fit and healthy raring to go on. These conditions changed after some time and the hot temperatures gave way to cold winds and rainfall, the poor weather conditions kept on deteriorating with heavy rains and sheets of snow and sleet. The trenches that had been dug in the fields would often flood and this would be uncomfortable and would dampen the soldiers and their drive.3 Due to the unpleasant conditions in the trenches and poor sanitation, the soldiers would get sick quite often due to the dampness that followed. The author got sick with dysentery and had to be lifted from the trenches with a high fever and barely conscious.4 These poor conditions saw the French hospitals overflowing with the soldiers who were sick due to the incessant rain and cold. This would
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
Reporting Panics Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3500 words
Reporting Panics - Essay Example One of such factors that readily come to mind is the issue of technology, which has come to enhance both the efficiency and effectiveness of the work of journalists (Winslow, 2011). One important thing about journalism is that it is not all journalists who do the same kind of work. This is perhaps the world is highly diverse and so news that must be picked from different sectors of it must be diverse. As much as the work of every other type of journalist is very important and respectable, it may be valid to argue that science journalism or science reporting in general is particularly important. This could be because of the importance that science as a concept in today’s world carries (Slosson, 2010). Regardless of the importance of their work and the factors that have been said to make journalism, and for that matter science journalism more advanced, there continues to be some criticisms against journalists for distorting science news. In this paper, it will be argued and agreed with that this claim that journalists distort science news simply overlook the various factors that shape the reporting of science. By this, reference is being made to the fact that the writer will argue that there are several factors that hinder accurate science journalism that critiques of science reporting have not critically considered. Should some of these factors be given serious consideration, the best that can be done would be to resolve those factors so that the way will be paved for science journalists to be more accurate with their work rather than distorting science news. This is because there is sufficient evidence to the effect that journalists have gone every breadth to ensure that their w ork is highly esteemed and comes with the reputation it deserves (Slosson, 2014). Whiles the paper discusses the various factors that shape the reporting of science, the role that journalists themselves can play, as well as scientists can play in making science reporting
Sunday, November 17, 2019
Oslo’s Important Person Essay Example for Free
Oslo’s Important Person Essay Most of the world greatest and famous people who have had a role to play in the shaping of history have had certain things associated with them. In Oslo there are three important articles that are displayed that has been an important part in the History of Oslo. Of these is Fram, the ship that brought the famous Norwegian Fridtjof Nansen to the seas of the Atlantic. Nansen is considered a famous Norwegian who was a brilliant statesman, a courageous humanitarian and an adventurous explorer who sought the betterment of mankind. Nansen was born in Store-Froen, near Oslo, on October 10, 1861. He attended a pre-college school in Oslo, and in 1880, he was admitted to the University of Oslo. Nansen loved the outdoors and he chose to study zoology with the expectation that it will enable him to enjoy the outdoor life. In 1882, Nansen decided to join a voyage to Greenland waters. While in the Greenland waters, Nansen was attracted to the mighty ice cap of the island and an idea struck him that he can cross it starting not from the well-traveled west coast, but from the east coast. Nansen then led an expedition to try his idea. In August 15, 1888 he and his six and crews left Oslo and by September 5 they were able to reach Ameralik Fjord after facing intense struggles with storms and cold. At the settlement of Godthab of the arctic, Nansen was able to study the way of life of the Eskimo. Nansen returned home in May 1889. In 1890 Nansen convinced the Norwegian Geographical Society of the fact that â€Å"the ice of the polar sea drifted from Siberia toward Spitsbergen†. Spitsbergen is the largest island in the Norwegian archipelago of Svalbard which is only 600 miles from the North Pole. To prove his theory, â€Å"he proposed to build a ship of such a shape that it would be lifted but not crushed when caught by the ice. He proposed to let this ship freeze in off eastern Siberia in order to be carried from there across the Arctic Ocean to Spitsbergen by the currents†. This kind of plan was considered hazardous but the Norwegian Parliament granted two-thirds of the estimated expenses of the expedition and the other financial needs was given by King Oscar II and other private individuals. The ship was called Fram and it sailed from Oslo on June 24, 1893. After enduring bitter winter cold in the arctic regions, Nansen and his crew left Fram freezing in ice On March 14, 1895. Nansen and his companions then continued on northward by riding sleds and stayed on the northern island of Frederick Jackson, named after a British Arctic explorer, from August 26, 1895 to May 19, 1896. Luckily on their way to Spitsbergen they encountered Frederick Jackson and his party of the Jackson-Harmsworth expedition and they sailed back to Norway aboard Jackson’s ship windward on June 17 1896 and waited for the Fram in Spitsbergen. True to his theory, the Fram drifted to Spitsbergen. Nansen and his crew then sailed to Oslo aboard the Fram and was met with warm welcome on September 9, 1896(â€Å"Nansen†1). Upon his return, Nansen became a professor of zoology and in 1887 he submitted a paper entitled â€Å"The Structure and Combination of Histological Elements of the Central Nervous System†that earned him a degree of doctor of Philosophy in University of Oslo. Nansen was also interested in physical geography and he helped established the International Council for the Exploration of the Sea. As a true scientist, Nansen reported scientific studies with regards to his expeditions. During 1900 to 1914 Nansen was able to make sea explorations of the Norwegian Sea, Azores Sea and Barents and Kara Sea of the arctic. Due to these sea explorations he was able to improve the instruments used for oceanography and he discovered how deep and bottom water are formed (â€Å"Nansen†2). Later in his life, Nansen became interested in politics and in1905 he participated in a lively discussion regarding the separation of Norway from Sweden. He believed that Norway should not be restrained in exercising its political and economic freedom. When Norway was granted independence he was appointed Minister of London and in 1917 during World War I he was appointed as head of Norwegian Commission to the United States wherein he successfully convinced US to allow Norway to import supplies for the war. And when the League of Nations was created in 1920 Nansen was chosen to head the Norwegian delegation. League of Nations then appointed Nansen to bring home an approximately 500,000 the prisoners of war from Russia. Although USSR did not recognize the League of Nations, Nansen was able to negotiate e with them personally and in September 1922, 427, 886 prisoners of war from German and Autro-Hungarian armies were safely brought back to their respective countries. In August 1921 Nansen was asked by the International Committee of the Red Cross to head a campaign in bringing aid to the famine-stricken Russia. On August 27, Nansen successfully opened a relief headquarter in Moscow which he called â€Å"International Russian Relief Executive†. The League of Nations turned down his request for financial assistance but Nansen, undaunted, was able to raise the needed funds from private organizations. Due to his humanitarian achievements, an international agreement was signed in Geneva introducing the identification card for displaced persons known as the â€Å"Nansen passport†on July 5,1922. Later in 1931, after his death, the Nansen International Office for Refugees was created in Geneva which had become a safe haven for Jews when World War II broke out. In 1922 Nansen was awarded the Nobel Prize for Peace. The Nansen International Office for Refugees, on the other hand, won the Nobel Prize for Peace in 1938 (Nansen 3). Nansen dedicated his life in the furtherance of humanity. Works cited Compton’s Encyclopedia, vol. 17. USA: Compton’s Learning Company, 1995. Halsey, William. Colliers Encyclopedia, vol. 18. New York: Macmillan Educational Company, 1990. Lundestad, Geir. 15 March 2001. †The Nobel Peace Prize, 1901-2000†. Nobel Prize. 13 August 2007. http://nobelprize. org/nobel_prizes/peace/articles/lundestad- Review/index. html â€Å"Nansen, Fridtjof. Encyclop? dia Britannica. 2007. Encyclop? dia Britannica Online. 15 August 2007 http://www. britannica. com/eb/article-9054786 â€Å"Off the Beaten Path†June 10, 2004. Virtual Tourist. 12 August 2007. http://www. virtualtourist. com/travel/Europe/Norway/Oslo_Region/Oslo-214570/ Off_the_Beaten_Path-Oslo-BR-1. html â€Å"Oslo: City Insider†. 1999-2006. Marriot. 12 August 2007. http://www. marriot. com/city-guide/city-verview. mi? cityID=97guideType=history â€Å"Oslo, Norway†. 2006. Bradmans Europe. 12 August 2007. http://bradmans. com/europe/oslo/background â€Å"Oslo†. The New Encyclopedia Britannica, vol. 24. 5th ed. USA: Encyclopedia Britannica, Inc. , 1991.
Thursday, November 14, 2019
Lord Of The Flies Theme Paper :: essays research papers
LORD OF THE FLIES THEME PAPER      Here invisible yet strong, was the taboo of the old life. Round the squatting child was the protection if parents and school and policemen and the law. (pg.62). Lord of the Flies written by William Golding is a book showing that without restrictions (laws, rules) anything can happen. The world could be havoc if it was just kids and no parents. Let me ask you this if you were stranded on an island and you were 12 years old and there was no adults would you go wild? Would you kill another kid? Would you put on war paint before hunting? These are the questions that you should ask yourself. In this book they could answer the questions for you or not you decide.      Without supervision from an adult figure these kids got out of control. They weren’t thinking about being saved except for Piggy and Ralph. All it was about was the hunting. Just to take down a pig with a spear and then killing it for food was their main priority. It seemed like some of them didn’t want to go home they wanted to live on the island forever because they liked the fact that they were free from adults telling them what to do.      Jack and his hunters weren’t thinking straight. They didn’t have teachers or parents to set them out of their trance. No one to show the way to being good kids. No one to punish them for wrongdoing. Since they were free of supervision they went crazy. They didn’t care about the fire going out. You talk. But you cant even build huts then you go off hunting and let out the fire. (pg.71). They just wanted to hunt all the time and they killed two other kids. One was accidental but they shouldn’t have thrown a huge boulder on top of Piggy’s head. Know if there was an adult supervision then the hunters wouldn’t be hunting they’d be made to watch the fire 24 hours and they wouldn’t be killing other kids either.      Ralph and Piggy were really the only ones wanting to be saved. They were closest to being any kind of an adult supervision. But since they weren’t actually adults the kids wouldn’t listen to them. Piggy and Ralph knew what had to be done to be rescued but none of the kids cared about
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
Dickens Spirit In Behind A Christmas Carol English Literature Essay
A Christmas Carol was written in 1843 by Charles Dickens, who today remains the most widely known novelist of the Victorian period. Dickens was born in Portsmouth and his farther had a changeless battle to maintain order of his finance. His farther was put into prison whilst Dickens was put into a work house for the bulk of his school old ages. These events contributed together to give Dickens a first category position of Poverty and how the general kids of England lived during the 1800 ‘s. These subjects can be easy associated with A Christmas Carol. They had a great influence on his authorship and made him into the novelist he was. The chief character in the novel is Ebenezer Scrooge. The supporter starts off as a affluent but highly crabbed and bloody-minded concern adult male. He is the kind of individual that lone thinks of himself and no 1s else. The action of four liquors, change the manner he acts and feels and turn him into a respectful member of the community. Jacob Marley, The Ghost of Christmas Past, Present and Yet to Come all have a different consequence on Scrooge. From seeing what Scrooge was like as a immature male child, to what the hereafter awaits for him. Dickens uses different techniques and methods for each of the liquors to carry through this. Each of the liquors are besides presented otherwise because they resemble and mean different things. Dickens uses Scrooges old concern spouse, Jacob Marley, to warn Scrooge of what the hereafter holds for him unless he changes his ways. Marley is the first spirit Scrooge encounters because he is the lone individual Scrooge would swear. Marley makes a dramatic entryway and astonishes Scrooge. Marley has to look similar to what he looked like seven old ages ago, to convert Scrooge that he is existent. â€Å" The same face: the really same aˆÂ ¦aˆÂ ¦aˆÂ ¦.. and the hair upon his caput. †Scrooge to get down with, refuses to believe that the apparition he is seeing in forepart of him is existent, despite the fact Marley has barely changed after decease. As Marley ‘s visual aspect has non truly changed, this thought easy convinces Scrooge that the apparition is truly Marley because of its similitude. Scrooge has to cognize what and who has entered his house to stalk him, so a elaborate description of Marley is needed. Scrooge first sees Marley ‘s face in the door knocker, after he has come back from a eventide repast. Merely the rich used to be able to travel out for repasts, so this shows that Scrooge is affluent and can afford expensive luxuries. In the 1800 ‘s the modern door bell was non invented so the bulk of doors had door knockers alternatively. The face on the knocker catches Scrooge ‘s attending, but when he goes back to look, the face has gone. Scrooge so comes to the decision that his eyes must hold been playing fast ones. It is non until Marley ‘s chief entryway that Scrooge believes it is truly Marley. Dickens uses onomatopoeia to depict Marley ‘s dramatic entryway. â€Å" The cellar-door flew unfastened with a flourishing sound. †The experience Scrooge has with Jacob Marley is full of suspense and tenseness. The usage of the word â€Å" flew †indicates that the engagement of Marley is dramatic. This helps to arouse fright because of its abruptness. When the reader reads it, the suspense which has been built up is released in one sentence. The onomatopoeia helps the reader to understand what the state of affairs was like for Scrooge. The cellar door could besides stand for the gap to the changing of Scrooges character. It opening could resemble another opportunity to travel down it, in other words another opportunity to alter the manner he lives his life. It is merely when Marley takes off the patch around his caput that Scrooge believes that the figure in fount of him truly is existent and is Jacob Marley. â€Å" aˆÂ ¦when the apparition taking off the patch round its caput, as if it were excessively warm to have on in-doors, its lower jaw dropped down upon its chest! Scrooge fell upon his articulatio genuss, and clasped his custodies before his face. †In the 1800 ‘s when person passed off a patch was wrapped and tied below the jaw. This was so when the organic structure decomposes the jaw skeleton is still attached to the remainder. When Scrooge sees the lowered jaw, he is shocked and in discouragement. This was cogent evidence that it was Jacob Marley and that everything he had been stating was true. Scrooge could non bear to see what had happened to his best friend. The taking off the patch evokes fear into Scrooge and makes the said much more existent and chilling. This makes Scrooge emotional to the whole visit of Jacob Marley. This tells and shows the reader that Scrooge still has some kind of bosom inside of him and it merely needs more work and recognition to get down to do Scrooge alteration. From the text Dickens has given you the thought that the Jacob Marley has non made as large of consequence as he wished. It tells us Marley wanted to do a bigger impact to Scrooge and possibly Marley had a small spot of good left in him when he died, so now he is seeking to assist his old concern spouse. Jacob Marley ‘s spirit has now left Scrooge and it is the bend of The Ghost of Christmas Past to stalk and learn Scrooge how he must alter. The Ghost of Christmas Past has heavy description and takes him back foremost to his old boarding school and several other of import topographic points. Dickens has used similes to depict the unusual expression of Ghost of Christmas Past. â€Å" It was a unusual figure – like a kid, yet non so like a kid as like an old adult male. †Scrooge can non do out the unusual expression of the shade. There is a batch of description about this first of the three liquors. The description Dickens gives for the spirit is curious proposing it is like that to assist Scrooge understand the things he is traveling to see. A simile is a different technique for the reader to take in, other than a batch of description, so this gives the novel a better flow. The spirit could be described like a kid, as this spirit is about how Scrooge used to be. The shade takes Scrooge back to when he went to get oning school, so seeing a kid like figure would give you an feeling that you are traveling to re-visit your former ego. The fact that it has the visual aspect of both a kid and old adult male, besides symbolises that the spirit is ageless. This indicated that Scrooge is in the presence of the supernatural. After much waiting and confusion over the entryway of the spirit, it all of a sudden appears in forepart of Scrooge. â€Å" Light flashed up in the room upon the blink of an eye, and the drapes of his bed were drawn. †During the 1800 ‘s cardinal warming was an point people could hold merely wished for. So they would hold a drape which went round the bed to seek and maintain the warm in and the cold out. A manus of the shade all of a sudden opens the bed curtains, this could stand for the shade opening a new chance for Scrooge to alter into a better individual. Again the shade makes a dramatic entryway, make fulling the room of visible radiation. The light make fulling the room and the gap of the drapes could resemble acquiring up at the beginning of the twenty-four hours meaning Scrooge and the shade are shortly to be busy revisiting Scrooge ‘s former ego. The spirit is described as have oning the â€Å" purest white †gown, this can be linked to several spiritual figures, the sudden detonation of visible radiation besides supports this. In that clip the bulk of English people followed some kind of the Christian faith, so it ‘s more than likely Scrooge was a Christian. Alt hough it is non mentioned in the text, Scrooges attitude suggests he is a small startled by the entryway of the unusual figure. These points combined give the feeling that Scrooge thought the first spirit was a spiritual figure as he had non encountered any of the other liquors at that point. Scrooge is reminded of the life he used to populate through the usage of the senses, in this instance odor. â€Å" A 1000 odours drifting in the air, each one connected with a 1000 ideas, and hopes, and joys, and attentions long, long, forgotten. †In this case Dickens has used the senses to depict ideas which were traveling through Scrooges head. This is a different technique which has been used, which helps to prosecute and affect the reader. The senses are a great manner to retrieve different things. Peoples associate different odors and sounds to different memories through out their lives. The Ghost of Christmas Past is all about Scrooge retrieving how he used to be and how reasonably he was before his greed for money kicked in. So for Dickens to affect the sense of odor, it is a really effectual technique. After Scrooge has met The Ghost of Christmas Past, he encounters The Ghost of Christmas Present. Scrooge recognises The Ghost of Christmas Present to be reasonably and sort, but he is still a small nervous about run intoing the spirit. â€Å" He was non the dour Scrooge he had been ; and though the Spirit ‘s eyes were clear and sort, he did non like to run into them. †Scrooge shyly enters the room the shade is in, this shows Scrooge is non yet settled with run intoing the paranormal. On the other manus, possibly he fears where the shade is traveling to take him and what it is traveling to demo him. One of the first references of this spirit is that his eyes are clear and sort, straight a manner this give the reader an thought of what the spirit is traveling to be like. Dickens uses developed and detailed description to explicate to the reader what The Ghost of Christmas Present represents. â€Å" Scrooge did as he was told, and held it fast. Holly, mistletoe, ruddy berries, Hedera helix, Meleagris gallopavos, geese, game, domestic fowl, muscle, meat, hogs, sausages, oysters, pies, puddings, fruit, and clout, all vanished immediately. So did the room, the fire, the ruddy freshness, the hr of dark, and they stood in the metropolis streets on Christmas forenoon, †One 2nd Scrooge is in his house with spirit, the following he is on a busy street. The abruptness of this event truly grips the reader, as there is a dramatic alteration in secret plan in such a little portion of text. All of the description gives the reader a elaborate image of what the scene is like and helps to understand how Scrooge could hold been experiencing. In the 1800 ‘s the meatman would hold animate beings hanging up in the store, no pre cut, packaged meat. 1800 ‘s stores would be a batch different to what they are today, so it besides gives the reader an penetration to what a Christmas used to be like. All of this nutrient could stand for the wealth which Scrooge has, as it is the Ghost of Christmas Present. The spirit points out to Scrooge a male child and a miss who ‘s household make non hold much money, but still pull off to remain happy. â€Å" They were a male child and a miss. Yellow, meagre, ragged, scowling, wolflike but flat excessively, in their humbleness. †The ragged description of the kids shows the household do non hold much money. Despite this the kids still manage to stay low and humane. Dickens has shown the kids are happy with what they have through a batch of description, chiefly adjectives, at the clip when it was written kids had to populate through poorness, so the description is highly relevant. The spirit points out how they have no money but are happy, and that he is rich and remains full of crankiness, signalling to Scrooge money is non everything.________________________________The last of the three liquors, is the shade of Christmas Yet to Come. This spirit is the most noticeable from the remainder. The spirit has no address at all but communicates to Scrooge through simple action such as indicating. No address confuses Scrooge and he starts to fear the shade. Dickens has personified decease for the spirit, this is represented in the manner he looks and his general motions. â€Å" The apparition easy, soberly, mutely approached. †Death comes with no warning. It is inevitable and can go on in a flash with no warning what so of all time, so decease could be described as silent. The word â€Å" easy †could be used to give the significance of from the clip your Borns, to the clip you die, it is a long clip. At the present twenty-four hours we possibly would n't state soberly but it contains context to what was go oning at that point during the novel. The apparition does non talk, wears a black garment from caput to toe, if you saw this sort of being gravely walking towards you, you would non believe it is alive but the supernatural. This truly evokes fright into Scrooge and makes him believe truly what he has become. To the reader this besides builds up suspense and tenseness to what the spirit is traveling to make to Scrooge. Dickens has presented the concluding spirit so it has a clear representation to the inexorable harvester. â€Å" It was shrouded in a deep black garment, which concealed its caput, its face, its signifier, and left nil of it seeable salvage one outstretched manus. †The clasp harvester wears a black garment, with its face non seeable, and so does The Ghost of Christmas Yet to Come. A clear comparing can be made. The term the Grim Reaper came about after the fifteenth century, so Dickens may hold taken thoughts from that. Scrooge had more than probably heard of the Grim Reaper, so he might of idea that ‘s what had visited him. What the spirit did n't state, Scrooge got the messages through the liquors actions. The Ghost of Christmas Yet to Come had a clear consequence on Scrooge as he is terrified of the spirit. â€Å" Scrooge feared the soundless form so much that his legs trembled beneath him. †The spirit has a really awful visual aspect and is used to assist Scrooge believe about what he has done. Scrooge is wholly terrified by the shade, it strikes fear into him and about forces him to believe otherwise. The concluding spirit unit of ammunitions of the work of the first two, and cements in the thoughts he has come across because of the liquors. The work of the three liquors alterations Scrooges attitude to Christmas and to those who are less fortunate as he is. He becomes a really generous individual, giving his clerk a wage rise, giving a batch of money to charity, sends Christmas repasts to unsuspicious receivers and most of all and most of import he revitalises his true Christmas spirit. By composing A Christmas Carol, I feel Dickens was seeking to direct a clear message out to society. In 1843 there were two degrees of societal position, the hapless and the rich. Devils had experienced both, so he knew what a little difference could do. He was seeking to fall in the hapless and the rich, so everybody could populate a joyful and happy Christmas. When the book was published it re-birthed the low Christmas spirit, it besides started Christmas conditions such as general good will to all. I think The Ghost of Christmas Past affected Scrooge the most, as sees how he used to populate and compares it to how he lives now. Dickens uses a different technique for this spirit, he uses a large method of utilizing the senses to stand for Scrooges past memories. Along with the senses, Dickens long and intense descriptions help the reader image the state of affairs Dickens was seeking to make. I feel overall the best technique was the description of the liquors. Dickens varies techniques make the novel much more exciting and give the book a much better flow. Different methods are needed because the different liquors have different ways of explicating to Scrooge that he must alter his ways. For illustration, The Ghost of Christmas Past has a few similes whilst The Ghost of Christmas Yet to Come has no address.
Saturday, November 9, 2019
Macbeth Korean Translation Essay
In this play the characters Macbeth, Macduff, and Banquo were somewhat alike and somewhat different from each other, but they all played important roles. Some of the characters played a villain role and some played a more heroic role. Macbeth’s prophecy was that he was to become king of Scotland. Macbeth is friends with Banquo and he has a high status, rank, and respect for others. Macbeth and Banquo met the three witches together and they told them both about their futures. Before Macbeth killed the king he thought â€Å"If chance will have me King, why chance may crown me, without my stir. †(p. 36) He takes a noble action on his prophecy and doesn’t let fate take its roll. Once Macbeth became king he let his power control himself, and treats everyone unfair but his wife. When Macbeth found out that Banquo thought that the witches had told some things, Macbeth started to have visions of the daggers floating in the air before him with the tip of the dagger aiming toward Duncan. He thought he heard a voice cry â€Å"Sleep no more! Macbeth does murder sleep†(p. 352) Macbeth tried to grasp the imaginary dagger and failed. After Banquo’s ghost came to haunt him it started to make him suspicious and show that he is the one that killed him. Macduff is loyal to the king and the brave soldier. He is a father who cherishes his children and he is happy with his life. He was always a trustworthy person he never had disloyal or greed within himself. He became a noble man but he does not take any action on his prophecy. Macduff started to take suspicion into the death of Duncan. He became the main opposition to Macbeth and as the result of that his household became slaughtered, and he lost his wife and his son. Banquo is loyal to the king and also is a brave soldier and highly regarded as the king’s men. He is another father that cherished his children, but he was much as a greedy person. When he met with the three witches they told him that he is â€Å"lesser than Macbeth, and greater,†and â€Å"not so happy, yet much happier†, and then she told him that his children will become kings. Banquo felt â€Å"That, trusted home, might yet enkindle you unto the crown, besides the Thane of Cawdor. But ‘tis strange! And oftentimes, to win us to our harm, The instruments of darkness tell us truths, Win us with honest trifles, to betray’s In deepest consequence. †(P. 35) and it had him thinking that what the witches said might not of been so true. He and Macbeth were close friends. Macbeth became an untrue friend to Banquo. By that he had his servants kill Banquo because he was a threat to him and he thought that he would tell people that he killed the king and after he got him killed one of Banquo’s children escaped. All of these characters in the play have similarities because before the king was killed and they all had responsibilities that they each had to handle. Macbeth, Macduff, and Banquo were all friends until Macbeth had power an authority over the kingdom. The difference between each character revolves around their own personal loyalty. Macbeth has the devotion to become king and take power. Macduff had the loyalty of his family and the king and so did Banquo. The innocent characters into this play are Macduff and Banquo. More of Macduff because he wasn’t a really type of greedy person, nor did he want more of things his way. He obeyed his king and nobles. Banquo is loyal to his king and nobles but he was greedy at the same time so his greediness could have had him playing a villain role but he didn’t let it get into the way of some things. Macbeth is the most villain character in this play. He was at once an individual that was doing his job, now he is the character that is taking over people’s lives and started to kill innocent people. Right before Macbeth started to begin to kill the harmless people and gain power he was just as innocent as the citizens in his country. Once he found out that he was gone to have power and he told his wife she thought of him as to ambitious and kind to be king.
Thursday, November 7, 2019
Wal-Mart’s Unethical Behavior Essay Essays
Wal-Mart’s Unethical Behavior Essay Essays Wal-Mart’s Unethical Behavior Essay Paper Wal-Mart’s Unethical Behavior Essay Paper For the past few decennaries Wal-Mart has been criticized and accused for being involved with all kinds of unethical behaviour. Many assorted groups of people have come after Wal-Mart protesting against their company’s policies and concern patterns. Labor. community. environmental. and spiritual groups are some of the most known types of groups that have tried to personally assail Wal-Mart for their deficiency of societal duty. Just some of the many countries that have raised concern by people would be the corporation’s foreign merchandise sourcing. environmental patterns. the usage of public subsidies. and the intervention of employees and merchandise providers. Wal-Mart continues to deny any allegations of errors and unethical behaviour ( Fishman ) . Many narratives have surfaced that would label Wal-Mart as being an unethical company. Some narratives are large. some are little. and some are likely wholly made up. However. there is a batch of grounds that shows how unethical Wal-Mart has been in many different types of fortunes. Prior to 2007 it was estimated that 87. 000 Wal-Mart employees were cheated out of $ 34 million because the Wal-Mart executives failed to pay workers overtime. Some even admitted that they were trained by their higher-ups to non pay anyone overtime. This is a really immoral act because the workers are non acquiring paid what they deserve and this makes it harder for them to pay for their life disbursals ( Fishman ) . Wal-Mart has had over 100 cases refering pay and hr misdemeanors. They have been charged with non giving workers federally mandated interruptions and tiffins. They have besides required workers to take their missed interruptions or overtime before the Friday’s terminal of the wage period. which is an illegal act. Wal-Mart has been accused for non paying full-time benefits for workers who work 40 hours or more per hebdomad. In 2005 in the province of California. Wal-Mart was forced to pay $ 172 million in amendss. There has been several instances of where Wal-Mart has had to pay many 1000000s of dollars for employee amendss. The ethical issue in this instance would be fairness. All employees should be granted what they deserve and what they were promised ( Greenhouse ) . Wal-Mart does non pay many of their employees plenty money to back up their household or even have wellness attention. They pay 26-37 % less than the national norm for the same occupations in the retail industry. Wal-Mart pays poorness degree rewards and this is really unethical because they make such immense net incomes that can let them to pay nice life rewards. Wal-Mart net incomes more by utilizing State Governments to fund wellness attention for its employees which is non just to their rivals or the society ( Olsson ) . Wal-Mart has the worst wellness bundles when compared with their rivals. For illustration they cover merely approximately 50 % of their employees while the national norm for major retail merchants is about 64 % . Wal-Mart employees have to wait for 6 months to acquire wellness insurance compared to the national norm of 3 months. They even charge excess for exigency room visits and ambulance use. Besides. employees with preexistent conditions have to wait at least one twelvemonth to have any intervention. Alternatively of seeking to give their employees the bare lower limit. Wal-Mart should readapt their monetary values and wages so that adequate money would travel towards things like basic wellness attention ( Fishman ) . Thorough surveies have been done every bit good as many tribunal instances that prove that Wal-Mart discriminates against adult females by non paying them every bit much as their male opposite numbers. It is besides much rarer for adult females to be promoted to upper direction than it is a male. A 2003 survey was done that showed that adult females received 37 cents an hr less than the work forces that held the same place. Female directors earn about $ 5. 000 less than male directors. Even though 72 % of Wal-Mart’s work force consists of adult females they still merely do up 33 % of all directors. Jon Lehman who is a former Wal-Mart shop director said that most of the higher-ups believed that adult females are useless at Wal-Mart. An African American adult female asked a superior if she wasn’t promoted to direction because she was a adult female or because she was black and the superior replied that two out of two isn’t bad. Not merely is this against the jurisprudence. but it is really immoral every bit good as discriminatory ( Norman ) . Merely one audit of one week’s worth of clip clock records at one specific Wal-Mart showed that bush leagues were working excessively tardily at dark. during school hours. and were working excessively many hours a twenty-four hours. It besides found more than 60. 000 instances of bush leagues non taking interruptions and even more instances of bush leagues working through meal times. This is unethical because bush leagues should be concentrating on school and non working excessively many hours at Wal-Mart. A Wal-Mart in CT was given immense misdemeanors for holding bush leagues working with machinery such as paper balers. chain saw. and forklifts. Childs are non at the age of consent to run such machinery in any manner. Hideous incidences were discovered in a Wal-Mart mill in Bangladesh where kids were routinely beaten. forced to work overtime for small or no wage. and were told to lie about their age ( Greenhouse ) . In China. workers are treated more like slaves than people. They are treated as tools to acquire the work done as rapidly and cheaply as possible. They are taught to lie to inspectors and hearers about the sum of clip they work and the on the job conditions that they endure ( Greenhouse ) . They were told that if they didn’t lie so they would lose their occupation. Wal-Mart pays merely 18 cents for a merchandise that is made in China that they charge $ 14. 96 for in America. It was reported that a Wal-Mart provider mill employed bush leagues every bit immature as 12 working them for inordinate overtime hours and for under lower limit pay. They were besides working with chemicals without any protective cogwheel. All human existences should be treated with a certain degree of respect regardless of age or ethnicity. Wal-Mart should better their on the job conditions and rectify all state of affairss of unethical behaviour particularly towards those who are under age and non supposed to be working in the first topographic point ( Fishman ) . Wal-Mart claims to care about the environment. but they really harm the environment. They lied about holding an environmental individual dedicated to these issues and they don’t really have an environmentally friendly policy in topographic point. Wal-Mart shows to hold more of an turning away towards their harming of the environment. They have been known to set chemicals into the environment that can do birth defects every bit good as hive awaying fertilisers in parking tonss unprotected. Wal-Mart has seemed to go on to disregard the thought of better storage for certain merchandises and necessary environmental policies. Over a few old ages span Wal-Mart has had to blast out 1000000s of dollars to pay for Clean Water Act misdemeanors ( Olsson ) . Wal-Mart has received one million millions of dollars in subsidies to put up store nationally every bit good as some other states. Wal-Mart is so profitable that it does non necessitate to have money from anyone. If Wal-Mart was a community witting organisation so they wouldn’t need any money from metropoliss. provinces. or communities. They frequently set up their shops on the outskirts of town so they can have free plumbing. nevertheless other companies and citizens have to pay for such public-service corporations themselves when they’re in the same state of affairs ( Bianco ) . Sam Walton was known for practising corporate socialism. He sought out free land. long term rentals at monetary values below market. acquiring workers trained at the government’s disbursal. and even pocketing gross revenues revenue enhancements. He besides had a $ 37 million incline and roadway constructed for Wal-Mart’s corporate central office in Arizona which the State paid for ( Fishman ) . The government’s money that is traveling to Wal-Mart could be traveling towards things such as instruction and edifice our young person. They are a really selfish organisation that strives to acquire bigger separately and have complete neglect for everyone else. There was a instance in Denver where three schools ended up shutting because there was non adequate money to maintain them unfastened. nevertheless around that same clip period Wal-Mart received $ 2 million. It is really unethical and non staying by free market policies to give such a immense shop like Wal-Mart such a competitory advantage when the ma and dad shops continue to travel out of concern ( Bianco ) . By being such an unethical company Wal-Mart is seting smaller. trusty concerns out of concern. Since they pay really low rewards and receive money from provinces and authoritiess. they can bear down such a inexpensive monetary value which in return puts those smaller concerns that have to bear down somewhat more for the same merchandises out of concern. It is merely obviously incorrect how Wal-Mart dainties everyone that is involved with their organisation and the rivals. They don’t attention about the economic system or the environment ; they merely care about how much money they can roll up. It is estimated that Wal-Mart’s trade shortage with China eliminated 200. 000 U. S. occupations between 2001 and 2006 ( Olsson ) . If Wal-Mart was its ain state so it would be China’s 8th largest trading spouse. Wal-Mart is able to hold such inexpensive goods because the safety criterions are lower in China which in return puts the American consumer at hazard. This is really unethical because Wal-Mart is put on the lining their consumer’s wellness by seeking to maximise their ain net incomes. By offering such low monetary values. Wal-Mart is seting other companies out of concern that really sell quality merchandises that are safe to the consumer ( Bianco ) . Wal-Mart has 100s of cameras and security guards inside their shops to protect their ain ware. but it’s a wholly different narrative when it comes to the type of security that is present in the parking tonss or exterior of the shops. There has been so many shots. carjackings. and muggings in Wal-Mart parking tonss that many local constabulary sections have asked Wal-Mart to engage on site security guards to assist protect against such behaviour. However. for the most portion Wal-Mart has failed to make so. Wal-Mart has known of these types of issues in their parking tonss. but have continued to turn their caputs in the opposite way ( Norman ) . When Wal-Mart plans for new shop locations. there are many militants and groups of people that oppose and try to protest the building of the new shop. Wal-Mart tends to disregard issues such as traffic congestion. possible environmental jobs. public safety. and bad public dealingss. In 2004 Wal-Mart opened a shop in Mexico merely over a stat mi from the historic Teotihuacan archeological site and the Pyramid of the Moon. This caused a batch of protests with the locals because they thought this was a really disrespectful impression. By constructing a Wal-Mart in such a symbolic country it was seen by many as puting one of the chief perpetrators of globalisation in the bosom of ancient Mexico ( Fishman ) . In 1998 Wal-Mart wanted to open a shop in Nashville. Tennessee right on top of Native American burial evidences and where a Civil War conflict took topographic point. Protests took topographic point. nevertheless Wal-Mart won the conflict and ended up traveling the Gravess so they could build the new shop. If this isn’t immoral and disrespectful so I don’t cognize what is. I would hold to believe that there would be other locations where they could hold opened the shop. It about seems as if Wal-Mart likes to demo their power in any manner possible ( Norman ) . Wal-Mart can non warrant all the incorrect that they have done to many people and communities by merely offering and go oning to show their low monetary values. Money may do the universe go about. but it won’t salvage the universe. People’s actions is what will do this universe a better topographic point to populate in. Sacrificing the environment and human rights is merely immoral and unethical mere ly so one major monopolistic organisation can go on to offer the lowest monetary values possible. Wal-Mart demands to be held accountable for all of their actions irrespective of the sum of money they produce. It is really hard to supervise and command such a immense companies actions and to seek and halt them from being wholly unethical. The result of their unethical behaviour has been many cases and they merely continue to come up. Wal-Mart has such a immense net income that these cases do non halt them from being unethical ( Bianco ) . Hopefully Wal-Mart’s unethical behaviour will finally catch up with them. Wal-Mart higher-ups at the corporate degree should understand that unethical behaviour finally turns around to seize with teeth you but they continue to disregard the issues. It will take many old ages to wholly decide the type of unethical behaviour that is allowed but stairss need to be taken to make that kind of end. A complete restructuring of the company and those in charge may be necessary to cleanse the unethical behaviour. The right people and policies must be in topographic point from top-down to every Wal-Mart shop across the full universe. Once they realize all the issues and experience the demand to rectify them. so they can look frontward to the hereafter in a positive and ethical manner that will profit everybody involved. MentionsBianco. Anthony ; Zellner. Wendy. Is Walmart Too Powerful? Business Week. 2003. Fishman. Charles. The Walmart You Don’t Know. Fast Company. 2003. Greenhouse. Steven. In-House Audit Says Walmart Violated Labor Laws. The New York Times. 2004. Norman. Al. The Case Against Wal-Mart. Raphel Marketing. ISBN 0-9711542-3-6. 2004. Olsson. Karen. Up Against Walmart. Mother Jones. 2003
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
Dictionary vs. Thesaurus
Dictionary vs. Thesaurus Dictionary vs. Thesaurus Dictionary vs. Thesaurus By Daniel Scocco Afshan Khan asks, â€Å"What is the difference between a dictionary and a thesaurus?†A dictionary is a book containing the individual words of a language (usually organized alphabetically). The purpose of the dictionary is to set forth the orthography, pronunciation and signification of those words. The thesaurus, on the other hand, is a specific dictionary that presents synonyms (words that have similar meaning) for every word listed. This type of dictionary became famous after its integration with word processing software. The purpose of the thesaurus is to help the writer to find more suitable words and avoid the repetition of terms. Online Dictionary and Thesaurus Thankfully you no longer need to visit a library to get access to a good dictionary or thesaurus. There are plenty of websites that offer those resources free of charge. Dictionary.com is one of the oldest and most reliable online dictionaries. On the same website you will also find a link to the sister site Thesaurus.com. Merriam-Webster, one of the most famous dictionaries around the world, also offer an online version. On the same website you will be able to access a thesaurus. Finally, some years ago Google started providing dictionary-like results inside its search engine. Just search for â€Å"define word†to get the meaning to get the meaning of a specific word. Video version of this post: Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Vocabulary category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:20 Computer Terms You Should KnowHow to Play HQ Words: Cheats, Tips and TricksHow Verbs Become Adjectives
Sunday, November 3, 2019
Strategic planning challenges in community health sectors, and ways to Research Paper
Strategic planning challenges in community health sectors, and ways to use strategic planning to address these challenges - Research Paper Example The budget is to be followed strictly to ensure financial discipline and ultimate success (Vinten, 2005). In strategic planning, the employment of strategy and the allocation of resources appropriately will lead to eventual success. In fact, budgeting can be a part of the allocation of resources in strategic planning. Community health sector is on such are that requires a well-designed strategic plan. A community health sector is an inextricably linked web of individuals and institutions that provide health services to the community. The members of this sector include service providers, non-governmental agencies, the health workers hospitals and the government. Since all these stakeholders operate within the community, members of that community cannot be left out. The concept of community health sector, therefore, can be understood as a replica of the national or statewide health sector but implemented with the context if a community. It involves all the stakeholders like in the national government but at a smaller scale (Stahl, 2004).). The complex interplay between the non-governmental organization, the pharmaceutical companies, drug suppliers hospitals and the community is the central focus of the community health sector. This paper discuses the development of the strategic plan for the community health sector through the commonly known strategy tools. It reviews the benefits of strategic planning within the context of health care and in other settings and draws a conclusion on the best way forward in managing health care within the community. The concept of strategic planning can trace its way to many contributors in the recent past. For instance, Michael Porter introduced the concept of five forces analysis in strategic business planning. In this view, there are five forces affecting any organization and can deter it from providing quality service to its clients. The same author also
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